
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
THE MONSTER DUCKS OF CHESS: Don't mistake our waddle for weakness wookash_888 2402 pulsar512b 1989 jeremyjh 1897 Lupo_Jones 1878 Hamed997 1768 joehan 1749 Boomer34 1671 wernervolkmann 1506 1853.13
Firouzja’s Fashionistas KS_Legion_Legionowo 2116 ficheal21 2094 scarff 2058 dkol 1888 memethan 1753 ssyx 1749 samuelglats 1665 gigantaure 1503 1871.13
Kopycat Knights mysonnevercallme 2138 eXoF1343 1973 danbock 1956 austin745 1859 cvillian 1834 BenEdwards 1766 jamesdarwinblind 1745 zher0 1476 1902.50
Bishop Better Have My Money CrazyMerlyn 2153 irongalaxy 2047 T0Sharaff8200 1918 guingil 1842 Pope123 1845 SrinivasBharathNK 1806 SlowChess73 1710 Webmaster429 1474 1901.50
MrScribbles' Lost Pawns Collection Qudit 2192 gavalanche20 2087 Chewbacca_Defense 1972 PawnshopRookie 1933 MrScribbles 1859 lepertoe 1690 Gingersquirrelnuts 1655 toonber 1580 1896.13
1. ...g5: Persistence is Futile rojazu 2064 KnightFury21 2023 shakkimatti55 1945 samhagen 1883 bushie123 1821 TheVacuousRom 1762 Ptro 1624 ScienceGeek 1466 1886.00
Ding! There it is osrswoodcutting 2092 Gustavkar 2120 wachini 1900 Jonamatron 1905 Rskyoz 1859 feskslo 1840 keeto 1568 misterliamc 1559 1889.50
Accidental Brilliancy NeetleFarseer 2251 AlexGaul 2095 rsandzimier 1974 Timvier 1929 paulinesernine 1822 awfulmove 1790 rturri 1737 MrDetonia 1373 1889.38
ChatGPT Vs Chesster: Judgement Day Whelp10 2114 Sesquipedalism 2064 SteveMcKinnon 1910 speedyjohn 1865 Lutin23 1794 STCLion 1776 topspin15 1780 electricfalcon 1438 1846.63
b8 and switch RSInternecio 2200 Groger12 2088 seb32 2050 sidetracked_owl 1863 Slamchops 1809 aloo_bhaloo 1820 JamieDW 1730 ribrubrib 1442 1919.88
The Blunder Bus yago666 2235 LIYV 2008 gmat20020 1917 walfie 1906 NickR98 1848 Soreby 1769 Sidewinder1648 1609 danimal_t 1476 1889.88
Chessmaster Ate My Hamster bufferunderrun 2135 GiveMeKite 2123 AACtrl 2005 sharepointme 1890 Turmersatz 1825 DrOdnat 1774 jurica_c 1681 UN1137 1627 1981.38
The DARK Knights defensive_resources 2177 jfarah 2091 Dan-Jon 1990 aeroplanino1986 1841 RodGammon 1818 EnchantedBoard 1750 ruip 1717 r4do5 1453 1870.63
A team with no name birdpersson 2110 Grizzzly1000 2103 Poldi_der_Drache 1969 p_s_q 1964 Darktigr 1908 xkm 1775 kygreek 1703 dama_x_rey 1413 1840.38
Knookout Blow TheChessArchives 2370 itisfeathers 2036 ButterPecan 1944 conrado13 1895 loungelizard 1833 milkreator 1830 rjhoro 1640 Cryptohardknocks 1595 1918.38
Mellon Colle System and the Infinite Sadness leartt 2093 M0r1 1984 Astronominoff 1962 thepaul1 1910 OldBenY 1763 Ducati_01 1774 MattHasFun 1669 prostidude 1628 1875.13
Blunder speaks for itself rise_bishop 2168 UnLuckyNiko 1936 patk74 1933 esersens 1916 ascoliloko 1879 kanishkparmar 1796 Nairwolf 1589 Covni 1369 1833.75
Talladega Knights: The Ballad of Bobby Fischer Mediocratic 2295 Davidc2214 2005 LeoYee 1985 davidthepawn 1905 bobsouzabr 1773 boinetnicolas 1675 Ross067 1655 Apidae 1433 1878.75
Avengers: Middlegame yqel_way_to_2000 2195 Thomsi 2105 CanIUndoThatMove 2076 ScotchWhisky 1835 Thooorin 1830 Sebomir 1714 tone_fresh 1650 The_mystery4321 1439 1954.63
Fork vs. Soup invinci7777 2087 jwwells42 2026 chk12 2034 PharmacistGambit 1907 Midnightokar 1860 Bauernmahlzeit 1686 twobits 1668 YouHaveBeenPawned 1708 1887.00
1.f4 is the word DioBrando12345 2096 itaewon 1961 Kingcowgirl 1918 destroyer11758 1908 Laffguys101 1862 ehGolden 1752 greysensei 1767 Chess24768 1579 1939.25
Zwischen zwei Zwischenzügen zwitschern zwei Zugzwänge nerja25390 2106 rodeo 1974 dmg1979 1936 Tranzoo 1804 PaulWithAnS 1834 cheeblue 1624 e4e5Ke2gg 1628 BigPig93 1596 1831.63
Middle-game-life crisis drchessdad 2101 Goatsrock 1999 Zubenelgenubi 1935 juandeleon 1908 ipr 1741 stevenlongs 1685 The_Red_Joker 1656 ragnarokgame 1663 1863.38
Encyclopedias of Perfection tommeketoch 2247 wizzywop 2020 dif20 1874 seius 1849 BarbarAusBielefeld 1842 RuediQ 1714 DonGiovanni1406 1678 Duff3798 1591 1882.38
Sack Everything Everywhere All At Once mathaias 2083 HoudinicisMedicis 2046 Meeklydim 2005 Jasonjones 1914 MilsBees 1818 darkfl0me 1709 kibenur 1610 lone_rangerheavy 1540 1945.00
increasing our activity through harmonious piece play in order to deliver mate against the opponent's king: the team TBest 2294 u12912 2135 sebb7y 2011 TSSCFTTSOS 1899 Constant1n 1776 strawberrysouffle 1700 SuspendedSeventh 1680 fulmarsky 1379 1901.13
The Distant Opposition chatakkuma 2151 jk_182 2053 Minot 1997 BrandrokID 1925 ElmoGambit 1819 cinemashow 1790 Jjames1 1770 ender_dincer 1460 1884.63
Check, please! Scrooge 2164 grenbork 2103 sgis 1951 glbert 1902 hvfda 1770 Friis 1714 z0x 1657 chess131969 1542 1870.00
The Cambridge Springs Breakers Chesstrix01 2246 Underkkover 2051 Paulze2000 1936 sideshow_bob 1887 keaaw 1854 Birdsell 1754 texasadam 1746 arghasen 1550 1866.75
Drink like a grandmaster! Radmankaruf 2221 Think_Slow_Move_Slow 2049 scvrf 1969 mynameismund 1935 chetmanley 1906 masedog91 1812 johnchess2 1585 Crazywane254 1526 1932.00
Hey, where’s Dan? Spot88877 2141 NLance 2049 FODonovan 2034 nvasquez 1905 gorgol 1860 TheOnoZone 1752 ChessVonDoom 1596 Yakera 1561 1878.88
Nobody Expects The Spanish Lucenaposition root2 2136 dave3 2016 omertil 1939 SaucySailorJackTar 1838 FunnyLikeAClown 1785 Pughie 1693 Thaitanium101 1712 Hildingr 1651 1933.88
Erigaisi and the Arjunauts Zyfaro 2384 gercondon 2058 val1313 1962 aerDNA69 1869 PatchyThePirate 1797 JustChillJoe 1804 anmrose 1659 reddevil906 1473 1875.38
Unacceptable Gambits Jelle1 2130 timothyha 2072 Haspelknecht 1982 Moccy 1863 KirkD 1792 Rolihlahla 1754 Jputterg 1672 caodanny 1535 1889.38
Fork Over Knives Theknugdorf 2241 b_elyay 2179 Mixalaki2705 1990 pepepibote 1907 behaviorist 1738 andersch 1746 charlie1000r 1658 Pauet01 1513 1851.63
Vanguard Brigade Victors qablo 2262 ATrueRavenclaw 2098 lion88 2012 Matt365 1829 peterwoowooka 1770 jaeckobh 1787 iqb 1574 WoundedWolf 1543 1898.00
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  Ahedrista 2216 ani85 2192 highcup 1964 FlyingDog 2013 beekangheng 1836 zas3211 1759 Emanuel_Balluch 1579 mmorrisohio 1502  
  IsaVulpes 2392 mronemore 2143 applebub 1962 Ohmaigad 1900 natakial2 1890 gary0892 1765 spor3 1723 Hoppz53 1528  
  Silkthewanderer 2310 ybw601 2112 sadderchess 1960 MaksBroda 1927 keresch 1863 jcuriel85 1733 Yorb 1638 Somebody457 1509  
  alms 2332 Brundd 2110 deathmetalled 1970 pokervane 1894 adrienb96 1814 Eternal013 1777 UpGoerFive 1590 Bparedes48 1504  
  William_oakley 2287 JoshuaLang 2129 iljazbru 1931 giziti 1918 goirish 1843 quarkiomatic 1851 Figurlix 1700 XPA2511 1329  
  Razorneck 2351 mini_karpov 2155 donjar 1929 Arges42 1907 ztraynor 1811 imikacic 1820 BobFisga 1626 blindAdrenaline 1228  
  wilfj 2218 Promisses2022 2032 knightstomeetu 1994 Idekae 1902 alex11star 1800 Rivimies 1776 kamekura 1673 theeggegg 1360  
  Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2386 jnakagawa17 2013 Lou-E 1951 mgold 1943 FaridDz21 1876 alex-arsenault 1786 SpenserCode 1602 speeder1987 1530  
  RedWedge 2282 Pauli314 2047 Geigenzaehler 1945 pauliewoll 1890 RetiForTrouble 1835 ekopp2000 1808 zandbelt 1628 Catholicity 1399  
  okoros 2264 jantho 2128 adande1 1944 iKew 1913 pantofeller 1846 Lyrurus 1749 vejen 1589 osumarko 1325  
  LittlePawnFriends 2183 mforg 2066 Patzfisch 1967 closure3 1883 DrOMM 1864 a2c4 1768 mqll 1606 davegiltinan 1540  
  Der_Bo 2306 RobertSmith 2068 sidfanDX 1972 Anthammer 1868 szd 1794 ukristen 1658 Lexgrad 1453  
  Rcyx 2261 Fierolocchio 2045 cathode-ray-jepsen 1965 octacle 1848 jcdr23 1621 hwelman 1505  
  rafeh01 2227 JanDeDoper 2139 Surangad 1967 DrVonGoosewing 1834 MihailMihov 1597 Archilas 1587  
  jessehf 2222 HoodieKing 2028 pioki 2002 wdhorton 1871 unknownNano 1678 WasdMouse 1366  
  CamLeslie 2293 riverschess 1980 plastic_pusher 1860  
  far1108 1962 Clarinetref 1807  
  Octopus-Union 1916 snyderjosephd 1839  
  chessfefe 1872  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card