
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
Magnus Wins Magnus Magnus Magnus Tour ChristopherChabris 2262 chriswmac33 2032 Yoitsyeboicat 1996 pulsar512b 1944 ButterPecan 1874 MightyAlex 1742 BarbarAusBielefeld 1608 Janetheus 1507 1920.29
Can you smeeeeeellllll what The Rook is cookin?!! PrivateDiarist 2196 SundanceXLC 2068 shakaali 2023 james2998 1965 Tranzoo 1848 pepepibote 1785 ChessRook07 1593 asn8745 1466 1849.00
Tripled Pawns jaybir 2196 jamestgr 2055 Elessar62442 1921 PaddyDaddy 1942 calkaiserwilks 1887 stinky_peterson 1781 penguinsr6 1703 jcarmody 1550 1937.57
Wait, it's all blunders? Stockfish: Always has been SycoraxCirce 2130 gaben1773 2015 Tonuka 1985 paolone 1995 Midnightokar 1838 mdaw 1781 kamelstekspizza 1623 LucaGaglia73 1602 1936.13
The Lustful Pawns HanSchut 2267 bufferunderrun 2075 nsmiller7 2028 mixxanber 1887 cyndaquil1 1836 Jamougha 1797 finnaboutanut 1689 throwawaycompiler 1593 2037.57
Is That a Fianchettoed Bishop Or Are You Just Glad To See Me? HNorbi96 2196 Ecclesiastic 2041 pioki 2030 dkol 1922 val1313 1898 dcamp 1728 jockboi 1659 mixxedguy 1664 1897.75
Most Searched Guys on BraydonP 2149 Eidol 2153 OnlyClassicalGames 1976 garfield1980 1965 Lou-E 1816 SaucySailorJackTar 1639 SedNomini 1648 Boomer34 1563 1958.75
Razpensestacscriblugmunfalc Razorneck 2221 Pendru 2135 Sesquipedalism 2066 Tactix47 1951 Lugr 1814 MrScribbles 1756 mynameismund 1767 electricfalcon 1324 1971.25
Too strong, too fast Scrooge 2288 Groger12 2060 nimzonglsh 2050 Chase793 1914 ENESM 1893 mward128 1670 Sahithyas 1651 DrunkenWomble 1456 1900.13
Crouching Tigran Hidden Dragun K_A_L_E 2245 mathijshuis 2069 FaKeOo 1928 NoTakebacksHmm 1958 seb32 1909 LukaCro 1776 pinbsg21 1697 gigantaure 1576 1944.50
Mateful 8 OldOx 2400 j3084 1967 Self_aware_Lettuce 1957 PartyMagier 1922 ChewbakaTheRookie 1906 OMW2FYQ 1770 GERDie 1551 mahithas 1339 1807.86
Pawned ginoux 2132 rezoons 2107 fgermuth 1943 BenMTL 1930 cptkirchhoff 1929 apfeiffer 1719 giorus 1697 brilliantBlunder 1567 1908.13
Chess nuts roasting on an open file cantosh 2238 M0r1 1986 EdeTede 1966 JustinTanas 1902 Lalaze 1858 McBagel 1630 Cookos 1653 masedog91 1619 1889.63
Rookie8 FirstnameLastname 2169 mcastellani18 2063 Brundd 1978 aryabrah 1967 cvillian 1871 patalanoc 1785 ruip 1627 dimitrishatov 1473 1918.50
Evergreen Immortals mimano 2181 Alegre_River 2105 NZRichie 1957 Showboater 1908 bichopebitou 1881 howtoparadox 1846 brunolift 1659 Sincraxis 1510 1879.13
Knight Stalkers god666 2316 Artian12 2154 darkbishop21 1922 Cannonbait 1903 jitre 1897 jswanberg 1855 xVaria 1752 Smutje41 1332 1950.88
We can’t play like Carlsen, but then again Carlsen can’t play like us BigEvo8 2157 Antaniserse 2097 texaspete09 2037 Sarahwynn 1885 jsmithvestal 1883 ssyx 1701 KnightOfReyn 1613 mof63 1593 1904.00
Still Theory NinjaPervert99 2068 xipqag 1995 isuckatchess247 2016 Rhinelaender 1924 RoyceBraccket 1838 Johnnyeccles01 1777 hiekki 1673 Rehbein 1621 1907.33
Alekhine's Bazooka pawndefloor 2169 lundiz 2177 NLance 1942 ascoliloko 1952 dystopia753 1859 smothermemate 1835 ReheatedLeftovers 1698 Bosun1234 1491 1928.00
Pawnderous Pawnpushers Stubenfisch 2122 drchessdad 2116 Paulze2000 1963 Marcos_Paulo 1969 chesshavoc 1848 kamizik 1799 halifax2345678 1690 Patheticus 1480 1887.50
Stonkfish Sonata2 2276 Nviper06 2114 nerja25390 1987 rahulukumar 1915 Qplayer 1900 TamarindSauce 1811 ZheniaSemyanko 1704 DonPauleone 1567 1908.00
BetaZero TwinkleToes 2107 starbaker 2059 Dkillian 1954 AquilesMM 1918 nodortsam 1811 samhagen 1759 Kolskegg 1711 lepertoe 1608 1879.88
We spent all knight practicing jessehf 2179 kyee2 2094 Shiki_Sora 1942 snorcal 1932 sporefreak213 1865 Kramopolis 1875 jaegern2018 1673 eruantien 1360 1866.71
You come at the king, you best not miss Tsetsen 2138 AACtrl 2020 Queen_Blunder 2000 dmsa_or 1870 K0stasP 1803 RebelMe 1792 oddskill 1700 bluper 1593 1911.00
Your mom’s favorite chess players, sponsored by AnarchyChess mronemore 2164 Cephandrius 2032 Landmoose 1999 E4_is_Better 1961 Safaero 1807 DavidT2465 1695 tmac12390 1665 walfie 1626 1923.88
Smells Like Team Spirit ErinYu 2253 mysonnevercallme 2014 lion88 1957 adande1 1899 glbert 1870 slamjam 1819 leebster 1673 zher0 1614 1911.38
We try not to think of Ohio okoros 2233 SchachAttacker 2137 pic1991 1960 gmat20020 1957 lc91 1834 mynamedoesntmatter 1716 Rylor3000 1697 altaccforreasons 1356 1922.88
Your Worst Knightmare toddletales 2179 Grizzzly1000 2091 Iamzex 2019 Ecelal 1873 joyboy 1834 PetMarmoset 1779 freddy267t 1707 Gingersquirrelnuts 1533 1887.88
Two Jedi Knights Defense eie24 2161 silver124 2107 phantom567459 2024 Forhavu 1906 pedropablo72 1865 Drotciv 1790 UpGoerFive 1672 cinqued 1432 1875.25
How to Decelerate Your Dragon pierremarc1986 2161 WildGooseChess 2055 rodeo 1926 Wo_Cheng_Si_Le 1897 colwem 1833 hakri 1788 pdesaiii 1744 Rskyoz 1649 1927.25
Lord of the Wings The Two Rooks Pawndercover 2241 Mixalaki2705 2073 CecilPurdy 1981 WilliamShookspear 1863 flipiflapi 1844 Meeklydim 1742 fwcj68 1675 rinrinrin 1481 1927.14
Alekhine's Cat scurly 2235 CarbonHorse 2003 Mini23 1996 rampichino 1960 netherfiel 1830 Tolsonb 1811 erv123 1705 Zopherus 1595 1890.14
Back to Ba6 Wahlkatalane 2173 Tommelskinke 2054 hhh1001 1998 jwwells42 1968 sidetracked_owl 1826 Slamchops 1778 shmeeshlov 1732 uga40 1565 1920.25
Win by Sitzfleisch AdultImprover 2113 Fyrox96 2100 f1nn33 2049 dmavro 1896 Tsatsa64 1836 ImproveToIM 1730 ekopp2000 1702 jsettle1 1439 1894.50
Easy chess puzzles for kids rosagris 2124 roso97 2116 mkac 2015 myle 1947 sgis 1881 ticketyboohoo 1879 alex-arsenault 1692 z0x 1403 1895.38
Go with the Flo Svendra 2099 MoiRon 2024 thoughtless2 1972 Tartan-Dancer 1941 Connerator 1918 darubaru 1758 tobyhammett 1682 Kry1001 1589 1904.75
The Knight Is Hung Silkthewanderer 2146 athul777 2115 Schackmacke 2012 synapz 2001 GOKUBA 1870 loungelizard 1794 thehikingbadger 1615 mojomoe 1532 1908.00
Tonight Is The Knights' Night arian13862007 2187 postit 2043 Der_Bo 2055 Macastani 1948 Herzog51 1895 SouzaMoraes 1743 aivo2 1697 pawnsac101 1508 1931.00
2 Famous 2 Forking IsaVulpes 2327 k-night-moves 2085 VicPez 2055 Chewbacca_Defense 1978 Lupo_Jones 1796 gavalanche20 1783 mqll 1654 LeChuckForPresident 1337 1961.75
The Leko Movie Th3RomanticWarrior 2123 timothyha 2080 scarff 1945 mekumcu 1930 eigentor 1848 izzie26 1824 T_Taylor 1718 caodanny 1427 1903.88
The Stale Mates Riot64 2203 BenKenobi04 2107 El_bocadillo 2043 ncandido 1965 BrandrokID 1857 Mackjalek97 1813 Joonaf 1604 elgnart 1565 1921.29
Winning is a Tal order mlakolar 2276 Ringelnatz 2095 Kerfufflecopter 2080 STCLion 1883 Traubert 1832 adrienb96 1721 amidoingitrite 1670 frogfractions 1400 1804.29
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  Toonerer 2159 FiveKnights 2074 nermin_dedovic 1949 collinb9 1873 sanganakam 1830 Clemking 1719 ApprenChess 1649 tricky3 1553  
  Waste-of-time 2141 Deluth 2086 Chesspatzerswan 1946 nigelico 1941 JuyopVGC 1846 stick420 1741 richtri_rj 1701 thekkid 1457  
  zoranabc 2213 kcacgt 2050 kanakaishou 1965 RaisinBranCrunch 2087 Rliu347 1845 mmatros 1787 HighonPotnuse 1552 ipr 1523  
  maelstrom57 2208 yago666 2108 kbradle5 1943 Samushka 1935 figeon 1850 cid772 1784 BreezyCamel 1702 JumpJazz 1515  
  Ajolote4 2268 Mehzinho 2126 vikakluzko35 2069 JustOkay 1861 brokenstones 1851 lpd2 1865 Seth_Lichtenstein 1701 Aleph_Naught 1426  
  Narf64 2215 Theknugdorf 2070 wargoblin 1968 JeremyIsFishing 1913 DrOMM 1842 Fr4nco61 1813 fisensee 1624 Tati-NBO 1530  
  axp156 2155 KanaKana 2132 HowHorseyMoves 2032 thatoneguy1475 1913 AsdrubalBarca 1838 rooktaker845 1793 SaltY-8K 1554 SwissMex 1207  
  asmn 2222 slackwyrm 2133 Merkava777 1930 lakinwecker 1907 HumanSponge 1810 shrimppa 1784 Sasha-NBO 1577 Phoenixscott77 973  
  Bjorgvin1 2186 kaseyp 2114 yoyold 2001 Aboalnaga 1887 yigg 1830 passedpawn22 1740 edelgado 1558 DallyingPig 1409  
  robche 2195 Kjar 2109 izcms02 1897 saravsel 1835 Yossarian88 1805 Valoree 1707 wattsmart 1524  
  maxivgc 2173 Aerytheta 1899 Macalda 1865 blarson 1731 nahdrav 1691 Yourfavoritebard 1400  
  SunGoddess 2088 WickidDoc 1900 gkroch 1768 Kraaft 1689 texasadam 1526  
  marcelluspye 2051 y3LL3r 1912 unclevinny 1740 JMcrath 1618 rsava 1485  
  Fritzmann 1711  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card