
Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 23: 7 games for We try not to think of Ohio
Season 19 : 8 games for Berlin Nightmare

Season 23

Rd 1 Drotciv (1805) - mynamedoesntmatter ½-½
Rd 2 mynamedoesntmatter - Mackjalek97 (1782) 0-1
Rd 3 howtoparadox (1820) - mynamedoesntmatter 1-0
Rd 4 mynamedoesntmatter - Kramopolis (1845) 0-1
Rd 5 ticketyboohoo (1834) - mynamedoesntmatter 1-0
Rd 6 mynamedoesntmatter - LukaCro (1763) 0-1
Rd 7 gkroch (1773) - mynamedoesntmatter 1-0
Score: 0.5/7 Perf rating: 1381

Career Statistics

Career Score: 4.5/15 Perf rating: 1579