
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
Forking Ridiculous ben3536 2126 OneKindKing 2127 PharmacistGambit 1900 Forhavu 1879 Bamabeeblebrox 1806 chesshavoc 1837 davegiltinan 1647 ShadowedSpace 1634 1858.25
All We Have to Play With Are Squirrels and Rocks JoshuaLang 2085 timothyha 2056 CanIUndoThatMove 2012 pafiedor 1884 DrVonGoosewing 1845 spor3 1750 Sebomir 1712 The_mystery4321 1465 1891.00
Hello, my name is Mikhail Tal, you took my knight, prepare to die LeoYee 2076 jfarah 2031 Haspelknecht 1996 kajoM 1935 chetmanley 1856 amanlikekennyken 1778 mojomoe 1651 UN1137 1597 1882.25
Live. Laugh. Blunder. Razorneck 2317 WilliamShookspear 2060 pavermesh 2053 glbert 1878 chessfefe 1830 PawnshopRookie 1803 BigPig93 1633 osumarko 1299 1899.13
Paul Morpheus Chesstrix01 2264 KS_Legion_Legionowo 2095 Sicilian_Offence 1939 aerDNA69 1880 pedropablo72 1772 kygreek 1661 keeto 1588 joyvuu_dave 1445 1818.63
Is Everyone down with or is it just me? Qudit 2171 seb32 2013 Chewbacca_Defense 1977 Jonamatron 1873 MrScribbles 1859 Gingersquirrelnuts 1677 Asturc0n 1603 Lexgrad 1475 1845.38
My pawns are sweaty, knights weak, rooks are heavy, I've blundered my bishop already yago666 2267 pulsar512b 2053 gavalanche20 2021 Timvier 1918 fake_switch 1901 Lupo_Jones 1871 thiccclouds 1628 wernervolkmann 1444 1931.38
Here to make amends wohen1 2111 mronemore 2116 elliotp 1963 TheVacuousRom 1831 alex11star 1771 Macalda 1737 SrinivasBharathNK 1701 Aka4053602 1712 1918.13
Blunders and Wonders William_oakley 2242 jk_182 2056 Gustavkar 2056 keresch 1897 MomoSapiens 1703 jcuriel85 1736 joehan 1722 mrGoodparty 1551 1882.50
Londoners against the system bufferunderrun 2139 rojazu 2131 applebub 1962 Akibart 1927 T0Sharaff8200 1916 bushie123 1831 Waxy 1708 greysensei 1696 1948.75
No More Lonely Knights LuzhinAcademy 2309 Davidc2214 2007 Surangad 1942 iljazbru 1905 ineptitudeinaction 1856 aloo_bhaloo 1763 Bauernmahlzeit 1728 dnlhlt 1455 1882.75
Why can't I berserk this? defensive_resources 2148 Magagna 2092 grenbork 2066 mgold 1956 Soreby 1813 giziti 1814 lepertoe 1725 chess131969 1537 1920.63
Quite quiet queens wasischn 2079 Whelp10 2154 rapiplay 1974 RamiK2000 1945 Turmersatz 1737 Friis 1710 Lutin23 1702 UpGoerFive 1589 1933.50
Vishy the KID ElChivo 2201 leartt 2087 M0r1 1971 rsandzimier 1968 kappa78 1875 DAQTP2T 1843 Kry1001 1826 Baltyk_Boy 1469 1953.63
These Chess Puns Are Getting Stalemate chatakkuma 2146 GroneN 2018 cathode-ray-jepsen 1931 Minot 1975 Jjames1 1852 cinemashow 1776 boinetnicolas 1719 rafaelnajera 1463 1866.13
panic at the d4 tommeketoch 2267 dmg1979 2011 nit246 1975 MaksBroda 1900 PaulWithAnS 1923 The_Red_Joker 1746 Sekanjabin 1739 danimal_t 1492 1923.50
What a blunderful World AlexGaul 2106 Fierolocchio 2002 Equexl 1987 NRperc 1887 goirish 1870 xkm 1744 charlie1000r 1693 Vek_The_Gambiteer 1533 1859.38
«dragons» gabrahmad 2207 eXoF1343 2042 mo_mo 1981 vahid_abazari1 1901 FaridDz21 1890 sunsetspirits 1854 ragnarokgame 1653 rjhoro 1608 1884.50
French Defence: Qatar Variation HoudinicisMedicis 2113 KnightFury21 2093 Meeklydim 2037 FourLanChurro 1904 PatchyThePirate 1762 Ptro 1712 rickerw 1655 lone_rangerheavy 1592 1840.13
Who cares about the name? bwienke 2155 Underkkover 2090 AsdrubalBarca 1962 Bone-Collector 1984 destroyer11758 1884 Birdsell 1774 supertoby 1696 Crazywane254 1532 1924.13
We'll sue for the mod yacht if we don't win Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2344 irongalaxy 2088 LittleEggpants 2016 samhagen 1904 thepaul1 1869 Clarinetref 1844 MeChamoLegend 1552 Webmaster429 1541 1916.75
The Silence of the Pawns drchessdad 2094 RSInternecio 2112 deathmetalled 1954 seius 1864 Arvpas 1837 Constant1n 1776 RodGammon 1779 SuspendedSeventh 1598 1931.38
if only footballers could long castle… there’d be no 0-0 Skims 2252 mysonnevercallme 2102 adande1 1939 LouisBuckland 1913 topspin15 1788 tone_fresh 1679 regrettablebeet 1615 zher0 1509 1931.38
How to train your accelerated dragon slackwyrm 2321 u12912 2125 sebb7y 1986 davidthepawn 1898 gorgol 1845 darkfl0me 1755 kibenur 1654 Apidae 1454 1972.13
Overachieving and Underpromoted TheChessArchives 2307 NLance 2079 UnLuckyNiko 2020 patk74 1984 imikacic 1827 kamekura 1693 SlowChess73 1696 dama_x_rey 1427 1898.38
How the Grischuk stole Christmas alp_arslan92 2301 Sesquipedalism 2037 Three-Arrows 2009 sideshow_bob 1903 Darktigr 1867 Blunders_Only_1 1802 ruip 1661 electricfalcon 1452 1901.13
We are so good that we should be in the TCEC nerja25390 2117 allyrbsrblngtus 2098 Geigenzaehler 1961 fwcj68 1799 Merkava777 1800 Tranzoo 1818 jomaj 1580 ribrubrib 1494 1863.75
The Lion Ding Fyrox96 2114 alexalex15511551 2044 sgis 1968 Subversio 1925 alex-arsenault 1816 rturri 1757 sjakkolai 1650 mgoddo 1536 1835.25
Dead Pawns Society frostypanda37 2340 CrazyMerlyn 2120 Astronominoff 2007 val1313 1963 JustChillJoe 1831 Ivory12 1796 MattHasFun 1619 prostidude 1598 1958.25
Accelerated Sloths IsaVulpes 2382 VicPez 2019 rodekio 1950 Zubenelgenubi 1884 Pope123 1821 ipr 1768 stevenlongs 1671 T_Taylor 1616 1949.00
Ignorance is Blitz Silkthewanderer 2281 Pauli314 2047 wizzywop 2001 Chesspatzerswan 1833 loungelizard 1844 BarbarAusBielefeld 1780 mqll 1658 RuediQ 1639 1897.75
Oh no my King! SycoraxCirce 2232 Roofies 2080 Poldi_der_Drache 1994 AACtrl 2005 cyclop3000 1890 Rskyoz 1742 Nairwolf 1621 Covni 1461 1887.75
Red Hot Sicilian Preppers Shrekmated 2355 danbock 1975 nmpasto 1971 nvasquez 1873 TheOnoZone 1741 kylekorea 1731 NoviceCitations 1669 blindAdrenaline 1228 1843.88
Hans Off My King! antazhi8 2259 Think_Slow_Move_Slow 2020 gercondon 2031 mynameismund 1921 BrandrokID 1874 Jebotto 1752 johnchess2 1615 r4do5 1488 1949.88
Good Knight, My Dears Kjar 2178 Abolizer 2004 scarff 2001 Moccy 1887 STCLion 1837 KirkD 1793 JeoffMorris 1699 caodanny 1522 1879.00
Lucena's Revenge rise_bishop 2230 root2 2104 dave3 2061 Drotciv 1891 esersens 1898 SaucySailorJackTar 1793 Pughie 1660 Thaitanium101 1709 1969.50
Paranoid Hansdroid Rcyx 2301 ficheal21 2065 ButterPecan 1958 palet_master 1868 wdhorton 1856 MilsBees 1841 jurica_c 1653 PocketKnight39 1542 1952.38
Logical Chess Blunder by Blunder osrswoodcutting 2119 Bitter_Cherry 2070 alen111 1986 fvafier 1839 BMAstatine 1770 Midnightokar 1791 twobits 1697 mmorrisohio 1502 1914.63
Red Hot Chilli Checkers wilfj 2223 ATrueRavenclaw 2122 Wealth_And_Taste 1981 Paulze2000 1953 Anthammer 1840 paulinesernine 1823 Sidewinder1648 1662 masoscot44 1492 1912.13
Team 40 Josue_Richard 2076 SundanceXLC 2010 BradyW23 1938 cristoper 1891 bobsouzabr 1813 p_s_q 1830 Deep_Meep 1726 traful 1574 1867.13
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  mini_karpov 2124 inarch 2069 es13 1952 Sarahwynn 1913 Bunny_GM 1840 daxypoo 1755 Outbox 1680 barredrock 1543  
  Zyfaro 2336 Tedrhuyagonall 1994 omertil 1980 thomasvanpolen 1887 psmathgeek 1816 Ferchosalgado 1780 masedog91 1731 Chess24768 1458  
  Ahedrista 2216 Nestman 2070 fluoxetine_eater 2069 sean_vr 1888 amssa 1817 quarkiomatic 1815 e4e5Ke2gg 1671 Tomato_Xplosion 1415  
  chessyesmen 2183 Jelle1 2107 WonBefore 1970 Lou-E 1927 huolakohlal888 1826 TheHappyVoid 1770 Creamsicle 1665 Duff3798 1526  
  ani85 2192 LIYV 2053 Potnes 1986 sidetracked_owl 1871 nomindtosucceed 1818 Rivimies 1788 mumblecoredumbledore 1680 logitekk 1671  
  Artian12 2225 neil1996 2046 The_Wayward_Prince 1971 Jolondo 1901 Laffguys101 1831 MOHAMMEDALHAYEK 1831 militarian 1728 Interstellar88 1655  
  CamLeslie 2244 Goatsrock 2056 phantom567459 1991 pepepibote 1883 SadFrenchFry 1833 cvillian 1810 easy-money-sniper 1695 Imnewpleasebenice 1531  
  asdolu 2223 Gadsby 2013 TreadKnightly 1956 gmat20020 1927 jeremyjh 1848 AumarMustafa 1816 z0x 1671 fulmarsky 1393  
  luthienly 2115 invinci7777 2094 lucyismywaifu 2005 Thooorin 1855 TwistedFlax 1839 CheckBizzleMyNizzle 1761 jaeckobh 1740 enobarbus13 1437  
  ChessInsomniac 2294 Elodonor 1990 highcup 1964 dkol 1868 feskslo 1808 Rolihlahla 1775 jkoch1 1719 SeSandoval 1520  
  yqel_way_to_2000 2189 HippoShaman 2048 dif20 1942 Mixalaki2705 1942 Angrybird029 1869 ekopp2000 1781 Ducati_01 1715 Hildingr 1583  
  Unbreakable-1 2169 far1108 1995 speedyjohn 1918 peterwoowooka 1890 plastic_pusher 1829 NickR98 1771 Cryptohardknocks 1663 kamelstekspizza 1541  
  jessehf 2197 b_elyay 2047 Dan-Jon 1978 SamuelSilver 1916 aeroplanino1986 1875 Hamed997 1778 ssyx 1726 ender_dincer 1478  
  Mediocratic 2248 jwwells42 2027 pioki 1974 izcms02 1896 CrazyDarkHorse 1832 awfulmove 1693 vejen 1574  
  Salah_legend 1922 g4lois 1913 milkreator 1711 bengajardo 1453  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card