
Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 33: 8 games for panic at the d4
Season 32 : 3 games

Season 33

panic at the d4
Board 6
Rd 1 The_Red_Joker - jurica_c (1630) 1-0
Rd 2 davegiltinan (1688) - The_Red_Joker 0-1
Rd 3 The_Red_Joker - Asturc0n (1619) 1-0
Rd 4 johnchess2 (1607) - The_Red_Joker 1-0
Rd 5 The_Red_Joker - jomaj (1619) ½-½
Rd 6 SrinivasBharathNK (1707) - The_Red_Joker 1X-0F
Rd 7 Ptro (1710) - The_Red_Joker 1-0
Rd 8 The_Red_Joker - kygreek (1676) 1-0
Score: 4.5/8 Perf rating: 1752

Career Statistics

Career Score: 9/19 Perf rating: 1646