
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Board 9 Rtg Board 10 Rtg Average
Chairmen of the Board Kayrosas 2185 ChessPriyome 2087 Knoddel 2025 snorcal 1905 Brainet 1833 Antennaman 1791 Davidc2214 1800 pddchess 1731 JMcrath 1706 caodanny 1502 1880.20
You Brought a Bishop to a Knight Fight Qudit 2164 VicPez 2095 Chewbacca_Defense 2067 seb32 1910 teg 1888 allyrbsrblngtus 1891 adrienb96 1813 destroyer11758 1739 samkellett 1656 Reiscritor 1562 1949.10
Saturday Knight Fever Der_Bo 2236 jantho 2147 puppies_are_fun 1893 jackman99352 1879 guingil 1874 JoeBigGamer 1826 ineptitudeinaction 1728 T_Taylor 1672 Archilas 1658 Lexgrad 1422 1835.30
Lichess bans keyboa Silkthewanderer 2178 Sesquipedalism 2101 Ecclesiastic 1951 Wo_Cheng_Si_Le 1868 mynameismund 1849 giziti 1825 loungelizard 1808 Gingersquirrelnuts 1668 arubiera 1604 slam267 1543 1888.40
Svidler on the Roof eie24 2198 Gustavkar 2049 benellis3 2019 phantom567459 1981 Herzog51 1927 wdhorton 1844 Bebetter14 1825 kotoole 1631 davegiltinan 1607 PocketKnight39 1505 1908.20
We will only play with Alireza supermaths 2262 gborges0727 2109 M0r1 1960 ascoliloko 1923 Spiteknight 1843 Slamchops 1856 thepaul1 1818 Fellchaos 1801 uga40 1692 splixer 1265 1874.30
Sponsored by FlokiTheCat 2268 mronemore 2102 sgis 1916 glbert 1892 topspin15 1811 wiktor-chomik 1796 PharmacistGambit 1789 S1CKone 1696 Boomer34 1658 laskontti 1499 1861.70
Magic rainbows and the Rambo cat riding a flame-breathing unicorn or the story of how I tried to learn the Caro-Kann LuzhinAcademy 2262 bufferunderrun 2129 zagoldy 1999 ikalel 1957 BobAnderson52 1954 sideshow_bob 1869 EthanSmall 1751 Constant1n 1677 dy_lan10 1594 RodGammon 1453 1947.44
Bongcloud 9 Visaith 2182 Razorsharponly 2200 rojazu 1989 NLance 1985 Tuuralihn 1890 rsmillie94 1855 didnothingwrong 1693 sephiroth87 1619 opus71a 1614 Jrussell8 1380 1882.90
Mates Are Better Than Friends Mehzinho 2182 rossd 2027 HumanStragedy 2022 Ehmeed 1991 Moccy 1908 ishallwooopyoass 1834 callzumen 1763 King_killer27 1768 TheScreamingSky0 1539 toluikahn 1401 1867.30
Damaged pawn structure Inc. antazhi8 2196 Antaniserse 2180 Sh1ba_in_the_park 1977 Oscar_Lobb 1832 supertoby 1790 Kramopolis 1813 secretarisvogel 1754 ThePenguinOfDeath 1689 lagar83 1662 greener255 1477 1811.80
Confused shuffling gabrahmad 2193 RaitonvsFuuton 2068 Schackmacke 2028 val1313 1926 Scaredpeach 1845 cwalden 1856 Dkeey 1722 Reodor 1729 Nuxoz 1646 Apidae 1453 1845.70
Perpetual check out this blunder Groger12 2120 itisfeathers 2032 pie314271 2041 kajoM 2010 izcms02 1914 rsandzimier 1821 mcqknigh 1809 TowerOfSolitude 1712 Jkernan7553 1704 UpGoerFive 1593 1895.50
Panov! at the Disco zazziki 2095 Chizzle76 2112 omertil 1913 aerDNA69 1865 DiscoverChex 1895 fake_switch 1870 Astronominoff 1795 Ivory12 1738 keithxm23 1626 jkoch1 1555 1947.00
Wuthering Knights Brundd 2166 wargoblin 2152 Geigenzaehler 2002 dkol 1915 GOKUBA 1811 feskslo 1814 SlimanX 1765 mojomoe 1695 ruip 1619 mumblecoredumbledore 1595 1872.40
Pawns Across The World Tsetsen 2205 gearx 2189 HeartOfStone 1956 JoseOMG 1957 STCLion 1843 ImustLose10000Games 1740 lleee 1751 Dolphin1000 1687 gorgol 1699 antlerkiller 1645 1954.40
Nimzo 2000 Antisana 2204 chatakkuma 2120 mgold 1987 Paulze2000 1950 Zeebo_the_clown 1906 dcamp 1822 ShlippyDippy 1740 badair 1712 ericBG 1671 epabarker 1498 1876.00
Pollo Diablo para capitán AlanChessy 2204 grabhispieces 2050 El_pollo_diablo 2056 Felipekaox 1840 Random69 1854 BrandrokID 1835 a2c4 1686 curtismcpeek 1646 BobFisga 1641 Dawn4365 1304 1791.22
The Judge Mentalists Hendrik2020 2196 j3084 2065 inarch 2036 wiggs1 1924 AACtrl 1879 quaini 1797 robertjackson 1825 quarkiomatic 1662 BFS127 1537 Ross067 1569 1938.56
Puzzled Rushers okoros 2329 oleksiial 2087 qrs 2013 Whelp10 1975 zADAcLaY 1928 pawn4promotion 1843 Rivimies 1823 joejoepie 1632 dodochesso 1647 mjodonnell 1064 1867.70
Maybe the Real Treasure Was the FENs We Made Along the Way jessehf 2216 AlexGaul 2131 gavalanche20 2043 cathode-ray-jepsen 1947 Lupo_Jones 1898 sidetracked_owl 1835 UncleVinny 1745 jeremyjh 1656 mqll 1548 wernervolkmann 1425 1865.70
Hyper Accelerated Blunders NathanielW 2085 Alegre_River 2034 deathmetalled 1944 SteveMcKinnon 1844 ba55i5t 1844 RunningInVienna 1735 VicPyrrhic 1723 ebisdikian 1620 burni28 1495 Timneji 1508 1770.78
Teclaf's Chairleaders Lolser9 2244 O1189998819991197253 2088 Superfighter 2090 Potnes 1961 wizzywop 1908 Haspelknecht 1773 Sqlc 1739 BarbarAusBielefeld 1688 WolfInCheapClothing 1601 Marc999 1359 1878.56
110. e4 Ajolote4 2389 Juke_3 2098 far1108 2030 DioBrando12345 1933 goatsgreetings 1893 ztraynor 1759 masedog91 1770 FingersBerry 1638 Brettkoz 1533 Crazywane254 1341 1898.70
d4 d5 Bf4 +- The rest is a matter of technique AverageLondonEnjoyer 2206 irongalaxy 2011 palet_master 1961 FiveBucks 1915 pepepibote 1854 Rskyoz 1814 espnnate 1770 espnjosh 1697 Kry1001 1657 ShadowedSpace 1471 1918.60
Chesster Utd Rcyx 2193 Zubenelgenubi 1990 Marcos_Paulo 1972 rodekio 1944 goirish 1900 Pope123 1816 stevenlongs 1742 ipr 1654 Phroney 1584 fuchurchess 1422 1873.20
Isolated Sextupled f-Pawns PJJackson 2177 wakeupspaceboy 2058 Ryzalis 2007 jk_182 1972 erichprivat 1881 jrcrawford512 1840 mrlam 1790 Corrado777 1755 nokiokid 1639 asd-1998 1511 1848.11
Forking Legends QEDemonstrandum 2136 texaspete09 2088 gmat20020 1996 thomasnguyen729 1969 covton 1912 Macalda 1774 Ecelal 1763 freddy267t 1682 Barry_Forshaw 1628 rafaelnajera 1513 1812.56
Seasoned Blunderers Bjorgvin1 2256 y3LL3r 2067 Dtdeep 1958 myle 1962 jordan23no 1822 psmathgeek 1851 housesounds 1790 Birdsell 1668 matt_chess_play 1642 cazualdev 1530 1895.30
Misunderstanding Chess Move by Move ap_s0205120 2171 gaben1773 2063 smerlijn 2002 erikinho 1929 teddyE4 1851 Bone-Collector 1839 Pe-lle 1827 systemsson1927 1772 Stormerofbarns 1616 dnlhlt 1386 1882.80
Sac Theory osrswoodcutting 2163 Toonerer 2149 Mackjalek97 1923 trex_47 1933 charliehorse55 1892 chesshavoc 1868 restausverkauf 1753 TSMHansen1 1716 Ferchosalgado 1667 FernandoARG 1520 1950.56
Aagaard's Army BuckDuck 2342 DJ-Logan 2135 kanakaishou 2004 Narski 1992 avotoast2 1869 AlexMorgenthau 1811 StoppedClock 1776 atbeaty 1780 Pifisch 1538 prostidude 1556 1958.56
Good Bishop Hunting wilfj 2099 losttheplot 2071 yerboiMatias 2017 Jamougha 1984 FunnyLikeAClown 1922 Thooorin 1812 LionelHuttzz 1732 SaucySailorJackTar 1733 Eternal013 1615 bornacavrag 1518 1919.78
Nepo’s Bishop: No Way Home Chesstrix01 2234 Potatomancer 2058 cyndaquil1 2026 BattleAxiom 1936 ChewbakaTheRookie 1838 lemmawool 1764 LordPericulum 1706 keeto 1584 Hassenpheffer 1559 Fpmahoney20 1518 1806.00
Ten Terrible Timemanagers IsaVulpes 2257 SayChessClassical 2112 pulsar512b 2001 Rolfomania 1973 Squire_Western 1922 hvfda 1768 Rylor3000 1742 jendrasek 1701 thiccclouds 1634 B2C4G7 1470 1965.20
Looking for Mates perham root2 2068 chessnerdbird 2075 fhunfi 2024 Matt365 1831 lopixl 1855 LouisBuckland 1797 SrinivasBharathNK 1755 SlowChess73 1621 fulmarsky 1541 1894.89
All Knight Long Michael-Westen 2231 Pauli314 2053 dave3 1994 ButterPecan 1939 cvillian 1867 pedropablo72 1805 LucaGaglia73 1759 CocoBeanz 1676 KaiM_03 1571 cinqued 1495 1851.50
Keep Kann and Caro On dogthepanda 2126 lumenian 2084 liboy 2071 jeekiii 1931 Koyae 1862 sunitdemenace 1753 Asingh1998 1669 greysensei 1610 Acornjohnson 1581 houcharlie 1504 1886.78
More Tal Kombat BloodyFox 2121 ATrueRavenclaw 2041 scvrf 1920 eigentor 1919 Tasunoro 1881 amirkhaled21 1808 CornX 1775 lepertoe 1697 leebster 1660 Outbox 1580 1854.44
Team Name Declined Variation Aidoz 2262 KnightFury21 2029 Meeklydim 1946 flipiflapi 1914 surajgaire0 1902 fwcj68 1790 kibenur 1756 jippiedoe 1746 eudaimoni4 1579 jsettle1 1421 1879.80
rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPPKPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - 1 2 Fishmoro 2141 Radmankaruf 2120 pic1991 1970 lc91 1907 levier17 1866 JustChillJoe 1813 zbidwell 1734 asingh11 1743 hernank41 1634 tpk1024 1515 1883.50
I've been through the season on a team with no name notzmv 2193 KS_Legion_Legionowo 2091 rodeo 1982 adande1 1970 osoplayschess 1813 Tranzoo 1758 droidaika 1678 LanArch 1673 zher0 1574 Heathcliffs 1493 1862.30
808s & Checkmate Fearlessking64 2419 GravellyPoint 2062 Latinovicz 2020 nvasquez 1952 prawnsbro 1912 mfeeney88 1790 jojoschessadventure 1727 TastyOs 1674 zbebe 1663 osumarko 1060 1858.70
Back, Sac and Attack Second2Nunn 2067 Roofies 2068 fookh 2048 aloo_bhaloo 1929 RageEight 1917 apdent42 1891 chiasmata 1753 jackaardvark 1700 Nairwolf 1665 electricfalcon 1441 1881.70
Pick smth better this time pls TheGameHen 2112 milanrad 2091 esKaayY 2031 Wealth_And_Taste 1946 doughorn 1845 imikacic 1816 kostasvl 1706 NickR98 1733 drewmfournier 1594 dama_x_rey 1412 1877.20
Adult Decliners Kjar 2105 timothyha 2085 izzie26 2046 scarff 2032 Abolizer 1927 Rolihlahla 1794 Jputterg 1737 KirkD 1742 jurica_c 1614 samuelglats 1564 1898.00
Sac now, think later maxivgc 2149 nadjarostowa 2052 greedydragon 1977 et5555yang 1946 JeremyIsFishing 1873 mmgoo 1877 davidmc12 1794 dpurgin 1756 CFeerick 1639 BorisOspasky 1345 1828.60
1. e4 e6 Kiss CamLeslie 2208 Bitter_Cherry 2052 alen111 1955 RedzoneNova 1912 Midnightokar 1819 fvafier 1824 ibiwisi 1749 texasadam 1686 twobits 1613 mmorrisohio 1489 1880.00
Blindfolded Bishops x420noscope 2274 dweed 2003 armanarman99 1994 KingSlayer78 1879 Monoligopoly 1834 burnhart 1768 antonholl 1737 HokieChemist 1659 stelip42 1547 ragaltron 1530 1823.20
Legalize Caruana chessfish2 2308 louiegunz 2043 danbock 2025 Salooh912 1913 b4dger 1864 BioNoob 1804 breakfastchamp 1803 BoraBoy 1766 marian_chicu 1551 ozengnr 1430 1799.22
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Board 9 Rtg Board 10 Rtg  
  Pendru 2172 Mixalaki2705 2021 Nestman 1988 ErunaMe 1925 plsletmewin 1877 dmavro 1828 PatchyThePirate 1756 gfkillah 1699 Monolith4861 1636 Howah250 1413  
  Dacite09 2176 cevilus 2071 ColdTehran 1967 OldPalHappy 1950 patalanoc 1858 amirkhaled21 1808 Mbourke28 1773 PresidentXiJinping 1703 CMDanny 1571 pat219 1492  
  kvltvr_wvltvr 2182 mkac 2040 collinb9 1945 GavrocheThenardier 1946 RebelMe 1874 buddhastalin 1825 rampichino 1803 I8I9 1720 kamelstekspizza 1589 DLBob 1549  
  Ajolote4 2389 RiskIt4TheBiscuit 2038 lion88 2020 g4lois 1953 Jelle1 1902 Bamabeeblebrox 1821 rostk 1816 ssyx 1725 fzappa 1652 neoklis_rdr 1313  
  tommeketoch 2239 AdultImprover 2036 HarmlessChessNub 1991 thatoneguy1475 1906 Tuuralihn 1890 ekopp2000 1791 failingtheIB 1738 Steve-North 1705 surly 1576 ChessVonDoom 1353  
  mathijshuis 2169 ani85 2150 lioxxx 2049 howtoparadox 1928 Hindemith 1887 heroku 1856 NivMizz 1725 thehippieking 1687 Lyrurus 1638 datcerealbaux 1469  
  uczen-369 2263 pepehands321 2032 davidthepawn 1923 falk312 1959 Mon_Ouie 1857 Salwen 1794 iljazbru 1737 Kangaroo2 1680 xandic 1668 ruhib 1557  
  Razorneck 2299 Weezing471 2014 closure3 1962 zeus_conquers9 1961 plastic_pusher 1890 DrVonGoosewing 1812 DRK123 1736 Acer30 1695 lbroekman 1624 Fey22 1560  
  BudSpenser 2367 LeoYee 2071 Bubba006 1974 invinci7777 1928 Angrybird029 1881 bcande01 1788 Labradhur 1755 andrewrimmer 1715 sp0t 1551 Kobra09 1585  
  tutunuz 2216 August_der_Starke 2038 CanIUndoThatMove 2012 FourLanChurro 1926 Cannonbait 1854 SadFrenchFry 1796 johnjaison2008 1765 aarp995 1725 snadyc 1653 MichaelWDorrill 1456  
  Like-a-hurricane 2436 OddGM 2092 xSpaceX 1997 Vargas04 1951 amanlikekennyken 1850 theBunglet 1829 aide23 1827 behaviorist 1687 kamekura 1689 ihark 1121  
  shadow_fighter_01 2117 artel89 2090 flaxl 1971 Clarinetref 1961 Lou-E 1829 sneiba00 1832 Miguelsobrinho 1757 darubaru 1589 riellyb 1496  
  bukitmar 2304 CPTsopiens 2094 bassoder 1947 marian_roman 1762 Scudmakt 1643  
  drchessdad 2160 mini_karpov 2048 asian42 1940 Milpixqui 1757 Hoeth 1644  
  Lukas_knuser 1944 Chaischess 1741 grimpeur 1654  
  Chesspatzerswan 1901 Butch61 1652  
  Krolin 1867  
  Stormford 1927  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card