
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours HandKnit 2383 Feet_Barbie 2042 KnightFury21 2010 cloheessy793 1866 Estructuralista 1786 mightytaco14 1761 d0wnh0me 1637 RBorja1980 1538 1941.75
Rook-ie Monsters Thomsi 2229 far1108 2073 p_s_q 1941 CarlosMagnussen 1915 zephyr631 1777 eldotore 1660 UpGoerFive 1578 Marcind75 1530 1862.75
Alireza stole our candidates spot so we're playing here jessehf 2282 markmarkedymarkmark 2045 rodekio 1955 wachini 1840 adrienb96 1807 PatchyThePirate 1831 jcarmody 1638 osumarko 1316 1820.88
Zug Zug Zwang back2basics 2137 KS_Legion_Legionowo 2044 Paulze2000 1923 Saturnitus 1934 robertjackson 1843 Rolihlahla 1823 Lg_19 1622 davegiltinan 1607 1914.13
Stranger Moves IchmagdasSpiel 2192 Gideon7 2096 patk74 1891 dkol 1855 andrewrimmer 1885 imikacic 1821 dleli 1627 bgluzman 1434 1857.88
It's not losing if we both get zero points sacwin 2086 LeoYee 2060 biggestbauce 1919 JuyopVGC 1842 ScotchWhisky 1818 chessfefe 1711 Reodor 1648 lepertoe 1538 1847.25
64 Shades of Black and White HoudinicisMedicis 2139 AlexGaul 2130 ComputerUser2607 2072 flipiflapi 1899 fwcj68 1823 Soreby 1744 Queen_of_Hearts75 1572 BigPig93 1568 1879.25
The Rouen Open Appreciation Society CrazyMerlyn 2292 VanRoy 2121 val1313 1971 Drotciv 1912 jose684 1774 otreble 1698 niconic 1631 Nairwolf 1568 1889.00
The Paradoxical Promotion of Pawn K Qudit 2243 seb32 2026 M0r1 1993 jeremyjh 1784 Heathcliffs 1850 Tranzoo 1735 Gingersquirrelnuts 1738 Lexgrad 1516 1850.50
Checkmate ends the game Akshak 2207 AutoChessPlay 2180 kb6567 2096 moneydragon 1930 topspin15 1892 freddy267t 1791 Bortvinik 1643 rafaelnajera 1563 1950.75
Google Il Vaticano sebb7y 2121 Grizzzly1000 2107 smothermemate 2044 jet_set_willy 1899 tone_fresh 1848 AlexSurtees 1804 pgrucza 1612 Damnlie 1497 1869.00
Pawn Stars bigboss12345 2158 RaisinBranCrunch 2113 destroyer11758 1980 gmat20020 1850 ekopp2000 1787 em-as-in-emily 1725 z0x 1671 Hoppz53 1544 1912.00
Kramnik's statistical anomalies Groger12 2167 Fierolocchio 2051 aeroplanino1986 1978 HeartCooksBrain 1952 awfulmove 1834 runken_brunflo 1839 Boomer34 1639 falstan 1621 1883.00
A Blunder A Day Keeps Kramnik Away Aidoz 2285 PortyM 2072 deathmetalled 2027 AleksanderBerge 2018 MarcJensen 1786 regrettablebeet 1803 factu_ali 1721 workjob202 1352 1888.13
The Eval Bar Flippers Wrefo 2265 pauliewoll 2178 ChessForWellbeing 1981 TreyHardee 1884 tomshko 1802 Moccy 1758 casual921 1735 HOLTCAP 1442 1904.88
A View to a Kirill NebraskaNarwhal 2239 yeyq 2174 Zeebo_the_clown 2012 Nestor3690 1832 GOKUBA 1754 YouCheckMeICheckYou 1736 TheBsati 1724 abourg84 1482 1866.00
Take First, Think Later Chesstrix01 2175 PrasannaKumar2084 2128 atspanish 2034 aerDNA69 1899 EnglishSpaniel 1787 mkubecek 1753 Muthukumar458 1718 Asturc0n 1677 1883.75
Calm before the pawn storm delusion47 2220 Arges42 2075 Jg777 1959 SerenityPigeon 1889 chesshavoc 1848 kauberdi 1678 Johnnymaaaac 1712 Apidae 1609 1863.25
Unbothered, unfazed, undaunted MGEAV5 2204 NLance 2133 stevy 1955 plastic_pusher 1882 xxrail 1844 anmrose 1723 nic_west 1634 kibenur 1523 1917.00
Scotch Opening Spirits AidanJex101 2153 Antaniserse 2136 tobinator250 2052 dave3 1968 ragnarokgame 1781 Jjames1 1747 aselimgul 1761 keeto 1592 1882.38
Reti or not Garjeta 2192 Superfighter 2020 muba_o 2027 Turmersatz 1964 kaytmatov 1813 johnsb50 1777 kostasvl 1613 iceonmars 1462 1898.50
Morra the Sämisch michielvdg 2084 rojazu 2010 madmanmade 1976 Pope123 1928 greysensei 1815 MartinDBrookes 1804 SuspendedSeventh 1749 ScienceGeek 1600 1905.88
Unsafe at any time control Mediocratic 2342 Sparassidae 2043 Davidc2214 1971 samit_d 1933 Miyamoto-Musashi-5 1758 peterwoowooka 1745 speeder1987 1598 Shurbz 1629 1895.25
OpPawnHeimer viburnum 2376 drchessdad 2090 j3084 1998 ButterPecan 1912 sidetracked_owl 1809 Slamchops 1751 AtomikMorphy 1639 betencas 1334 1870.50
AniMorphys tributetojackjohnson 2205 gercondon 2043 muehre 1984 nekulturniy 1972 Kramopolis 1881 themelage 1663 lungswig 1680 vicsynn 1426 1876.13
Gimme gimme gimme a plan after midnight ZatteWilly 2125 sidfanDX 2107 bhajipov 2059 shamdi 1989 Rperez46 1826 AScannerDarkly 1801 bakemann 1605 BrunoMartens 1537 1883.38
The Scions of Silman arthi15 2163 axp156 2112 Matt365 1922 PaulWithAnS 1847 bobsouzabr 1806 STCLion 1804 CaioDias 1661 IronTorus 1582 1880.38
Rook Against the Machine mronemore 2189 Mennonite 2033 jpgmich 1957 MerrickS 1824 TheVacuousRom 1889 DosDebug 1791 ohuber 1707 avemanyeg 1467 1902.88
xxPawnSlayers360xx Sooneroo 2164 irongalaxy 2106 LemuelGullible 1923 sgis 1837 alex-arsenault 1815 JohnJPershing 1737 rdfreeman 1626 r4do5 1435 1887.00
Clock and Pawn Torture Jelle1 2228 Astronominoff 2132 Quantex_seven 2060 omertil 1908 Wasileios 1829 JustChillJoe 1817 MattHasFun 1652 prostidude 1637 1925.63
En Passant- tastic Catspaw 2118 bufferunderrun 2061 Knoddel 2014 glbert 1886 pepepibote 1748 basilcandle 1705 jomaj 1681 ribrubrib 1608 1863.00
Brundd's Race to the Candidates Brundd 2142 dexz 2038 Inter-temporal 1994 izcms02 1831 feskslo 1851 Hesperian 1742 ruip 1683 King_Raven 1543 1910.13
XenoMorphys Wadim_Sergeevich 2120 pemula64 2003 Oachkatzerlschwoaf 1944 masedog91 1872 johanmk 1800 RobWroteABook 1789 ceejcox 1604 Crazywane254 1585 1830.38
Horse Majeure GiveMeKite 2211 Underkkover 2128 AACtrl 2005 Forhavu 1883 Lyrurus 1740 UN1137 1723 momor 1704 chess131969 1561 1877.75
Reasons and Refutations Leverkuhn 2347 leartt 2085 morganbp 1928 FunnyLikeAClown 1920 texasadam 1809 fvafier 1688 jackbwfc 1672 DemeterCeres 1399 1912.38
Think Long and Prosper Silkthewanderer 2271 sussasun 2036 wizzywop 1931 BarbarAusBielefeld 1907 alex11star 1919 udaysatya 1797 mqll 1684 fulmarsky 1434 1875.00
Flaming Chesstnuts mysonnevercallme 2148 BrandrokID 2045 paulinesernine 1908 adande1 1932 lpfo 1740 TristanBrown17 1722 Sidewinder1648 1603 wernervolkmann 1459 1849.00
Statistical Anomaly Ahedrista 2182 salof 1996 thestormingeagle 1852 thebattlecrw 1891 mynameismund 1879 Tundir 1853 Yoa 1747 Leo179 1596 1896.00
The natural number following 38 and preceding 40 chatakkuma 2179 GlennJamesMax 1985 Goatsrock 1969 DrVonGoosewing 1874 Rskyoz 1854 johnnyzangerous 1823 enobarbus13 1559 mongreltiger 1515 1851.00
If Sauna, Vodka and Tal Won’t Help, the Position is Fatal Shampanjasosialisti 2195 jwwells42 2076 stefano123 1995 JokicInator15 1884 callzumen 1784 ArtOfThePawnStorm 1697 cowtone 1647 Joonaf 1647 1902.38
Come for the chess, stay for the speeches Zoro-Onigiri 2294 Meeklydim 2015 MilsBees 2028 Jasonjones 1994 gary0892 1789 Ptro 1665 lone_rangerheavy 1665 electricfalcon 1490 1877.00
Night from sea to before alp_arslan92 2424 jantho 2124 HunterDavis 2000 Zubenelgenubi 1958 chestnutfruit 1803 SrinivasBharathNK 1785 ipr 1775 PaPa_Beav 1183 1846.75
Angina Blunderitis chk12 2238 timothyha 2046 scarff 2003 juandeleon 1914 KirkD 1887 samuelglats 1730 ssyx 1708 T_Taylor 1542 1877.88
The Poisoned Prawns carinawi 2113 lc69 2063 RamiK2000 2022 stefan15sds 1927 xkm 1802 soelver 1782 kygreek 1640 epidis 1557 1851.50
Your Worst Knightmare Zodtg 2299 jco7 2165 phantom567459 1973 mn1171 1940 Ekors55 1831 spor3 1696 Jaydog41 1680 Fabysgambit 1449 1921.13
Rook & Morphy Allotrio 2181 cassiopee1990 2088 Ciraid 2047 rahulukumar 1841 Senhouse 1744 a2c4 1717 rooktaker845 1684 lonelyghost06 1631 1885.63
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  MaksBroda 2234 iljazbru 2042 thib1 2001 cathode-ray-jepsen 1905 MrScribbles 1857 DropMob21 1734 Ticking 1636 widp 1600  
  viburnum 2376 ngducphu 2019 mike_132 2040 mrlam 1894 Jeb_al_Gloke 1833 katabatic 1700 Doede12 1620 blarson 1579  
  Jelle1 2228 JoshuaLang 2051 PaulAMDirac 2015 Yanniche_El_Canniche 1837 PiR43 1823 alex67172 1680 epicsanti 1660 fo0lhardythr3ads 1279  
  trainingacc313 2216 nuagesgris 2115 chuckbrother 1994 Potnes 1950 camelion64 1959 behaviorist 1790 ukristen 1663 TCD8 1578  
  Hernestly123 2136 Tedrhuyagonall 2068 natakial2 1959 StefRenkens 1941 maya_von_doll 1845 IckyDemon 1745 jpokerflat 1671 viktorkolonic 1501  
  gavalanche20 2137 Patzfisch 2055 Josue_Richard 2037 aloo_bhaloo 1874 CrimsonRain 1836 Jacob_Philp 1746 SlowChess73 1693 AlcPry 1650  
  RSInternecio 2269 cityscapes 1956 muehre 1984 sideshow_bob 1897 Stott 1801 Zerix89 1803 thinline69 1651 qwejkodke4_t 1620  
  fookh 2144 Mauka 2054 mforg 1997 TryAnything 1841 kookaburra1994 1856 chesscycle9 1729 Pughie 1709 caodanny 1617  
  Racheschach 2143 ColdTehran 2100 Igoka60 1988 AumarMustafa 1874 goirish 1849 RPhr 1708 Proht 1731 shortyadamshardwick 1246  
  Alvaro64 2221 CapeStGeorge 2097 marty001 1996 Eva1982 1916 cinemashow 1804 Shebia 1690 Catholicity 1387  
  ChallengingChess 2193 pulsar512b 2081 HippoShaman 2043 d1793r 1855 jankovidakovic 1807 Syxxx 1807 rjhoro 1606  
  Razorneck 2388 klavier88 2114 Lou-E 2008 iamhector 1952 karim_tarek346 1844 DrOMM 1737 LibbyR 1551  
  bcirillo10 2130 Zugged57 2098 Haspelknecht 1976 Deeppooo 1962 Will_0f_D 1852 flyingfred 1804 GSV_What_Have_I_Done 1609  
  ztraynor 1751  
  bagelkh 1776  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card