Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 39 : 4 games for Candid8s
Season 38: 7 games for The Scions of Silman
Season 37 : 9 games for Capybaras Attack
Season 33 : 8 games for Team 40
Season 32 : 1 game
Season 31 : 3 games
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #32 (Open) : 10 games
LoneWolf #31 (Open) : 11 games
LoneWolf #30 (Open) : 11 games
LoneWolf #27 (Open) : 11 games

Season 38

Rd 1 bobsouzabr - imikacic (1803) 0-1
Rd 2 adrienb96 (1819) - bobsouzabr 1-0
Rd 4 bobsouzabr - johanmk (1832) ½-½
Rd 5 gary0892 (1807) - bobsouzabr ½-½
Rd 6 muehre (1935) - bobsouzabr 1-0
Rd 7 alex-arsenault (1800) - bobsouzabr ½-½
Rd 8 bobsouzabr - jankovidakovic (1833) 1-0
Score: 2.5/7 Perf rating: 1731

Career Statistics

Career Score: 16/39 Perf rating: 1736