
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Average
Dead Pawns Tell No Tale hicetnunc 2104 Jacarandat 1837 egonsanc 1846 Ceedee 1654 flgoyens 1642 rsava 1407 1835.00
Blunderwhelming CamelClutcher 2257 checkmonk 1909 EmptySet2 1778 Jonathancoffin 1775 Hsznet 1621 Khidal 1500 1957.60
System of a Pawn somethingpretentious 2011 bufferunderrun 1961 revoof 1923 seb32 1747 lukhas 1677 grimreepeer1 1314 1886.83
It Ain’t Euwe Till it’s Over mn8 2263 steili 1913 kanake 1826 rabioso 1745 xVaria 1568 Donkey-kong16 1372 1798.50
Board Zero ahmt92 2093 arbisto 1968 FilP 1821 RealRobbert 1705 compost83 1564 cammusbread 1480 1830.00
All You Need is Luft Sonata2 2245 VicPez 1878 scarff 1804 OutdoorTree 1700 Scottm91 1673 Ryen89 1387 1859.80
The Rage Quitters supermaths 2114 PublicRadio 1885 phantom567459 1853 Juped 1734 glbert 1652 Acer30 1364 1942.50
Exchange Up, Guard Down Archone 1964 Maurice95 1840 DracoxVitae 1774 Spiteknight 1811 rkjulian 1529 UpGoerFive 1472 1892.20
The Half Dirty Dozen LazyPeon 1975 paolone 1988 rampichino 1775 pedropablo72 1756 PsiMaster 1652 Tranzoo 1649 1866.83
Poisoned Spud Variation Pushedpawn 2054 isaypotato 1981 sxpg 1791 phild159 1861 Bamboos 1608 Alkibiades1 1494 1885.50
The Da Vishy Code FischyVishy 2194 m_krev 1885 kjfoster17 1828 Showboater 1730 colwem 1686 abneric 1279 1823.80
Dumb Tactic But Win? badplayer_cm 2169 Silver124 2012 avas_goridze 1823 ORIONfull 1697 jmcampbell 1675 closed_guard 1480 1956.67
Pineapple Pizza Connoisseurs Reloaded Kjar 2016 Narz 2043 Juke_3 1837 Dinomoomoo 1825 Akselm 1688 GOKUBA 1692 1943.80
Knightclub twobe 2128 CubesAndPi 1884 NiSn 1860 xEmpCC 1682 zher0 1581 DAAL 1331 1704.40
We Will Comb Over Chaozu 2219 Lynnpv 1911 avelez8 1841 nivenn 1791 the_loving_boy 1634 Ceramic 1451 1976.00
Ruy Flopez niking 2153 Yourooknice 1895 GrahamParkerME 1825 JBGIII 1733 RodrigoDiazDeVivar 1729 KaasHonijn 1361 1939.00
Team 777 s2004k1993 2153 shin04100 1828 jrvdwjr 1774 fradtheimpaler 1718 Jonathan_DALLEAU 1681 Lez314 1489 1958.00
Errant Knights Ryune 2017 misiek91z 1834 IanCawood 1799 Namulin 1785 woolgatherer 1658 LambdaC 1235 1785.67
Check, Mate, Baby ReyFeroz 2054 BigMeesh13 1872 david-innes 1805 Delpire 1749 dose7781 1684 michionov 1180 1695.00
Belligerent Bishops FlokiTheCat 2116 krispl 1916 Goblin_Alchemist 1886 luvgangster 1859 Proustino 1650 Lalaze 1549 1919.67
The Backup Pawn Journey_to_NM 2245 GCEDW2001 1915 Seafoam 1808 suicune 1784 PageProtector 1644 Nairwolf 1495 1843.25
6 Man Tablebase HoudinicisMedicis 2037 rgpchesspe 1857 corey561 1803 imcgrat2 1687 Pbrask2 1630 ScacchistaImbruttito 1402 1768.33
Throw in the Tal MoistvonLipwig 2239 Maqqa 1951 RSWillow 1743 Anarschi 1723 Gena84 1569 flayer0 1419 1880.80
Let's Put Anand to This aliquantus 2164 PGSankar 1975 stinsonite 1832 LemuelGullible 1735 T1460 1657 gusish 1336 1887.17
Chessperadoes f1nn33 2042 InfernalJumble 1928 rodeo 1830 Toffeeman 1718 Tsatsa64 1661 mixxanber 1483 1922.83
Settlers of Catalan quirked 1962 UnLuckyNiko 1895 patk74 1865 RottenPawn 1724 dmavro 1714 JAKEPETERS 1385 1887.20
Check Republic morallygray 2082 DurchNachtUndWind 1987 swohl19 1846 Dmathman 1758 ManuLeach 1543 The_harrison 1509 1864.80
Disregard Money, Acquire Elo Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2153 Xerxos159 1948 wpruitt14 1816 Forhavu 1783 kanakaishou 1645 conalboyle 1344 1987.50
Forgotten Gambits SebastianJL 2050 tuncaboylu 1946 garfield1980 1785 chesshavoc 1767 HighonPotnuse 1628 grantoldham 1568 1843.17
What the Check!? eie24 2052 Jg777 1898 GogoYubari 1783 ben_dubuque 1758 oddskill 1659 Vevochi 948 1747.83
Pin me baby one more time. TMaus 2006 TheRatRiverTrapper 1898 BranzaDubla 1801 maxivgc 1772 izzie26 1665 Kraaft 1548 1974.00
Space Invaders vgd123 2112 dctrip13 1897 val1313 1783 Enisswift 1703 Brundd 1659 tupel 1410 1809.20
50% French 50% Garbage, 100 Reasons to Give Us the Flying Carpet and the Camelback NOTFOXAnonymous 1980 fisher56 1932 MattyB 1805 Anunzio 1761 controversy 1641 Davbond 1505 1817.25
We're not OK with any name, actually. roso97 1962 myle 1806 tnan123 1795 sgis 1774 Napoleon_Solo 1699 litzr 1590 1871.83
Rooky Balboa ErinYu 2264 lenguyenthanh 1910 shetoo 1806 TCGRIF 1743 lakinwecker 1692 kleyveu 1569 1967.40
MouseSlip Blunders nimzovit 2106 MasterSalomon 2053 AraPawn 1779 Boviced 1704 Giampy62 1640 Ionsaitheoir 1380 1713.20
We Find More Mates on Tinder Pawndercover 2114 nickoboy1992 1965 DragonicKhaos 1856 notmyjob88 1708 benlonnqvist 1509 deaarthur 1183 1818.00
En Croissant chessryo 2081 robert-paulson 1923 Rolihlahla 1809 Dram04 1671 Drotciv 1601 Agood2inches 1381 1880.33
Morning Wood Pushers Sangan 2095 okei 1895 jakake 1798 pollygetiks 1801 jcole98 1746 JoeyMellberg 1436 1884.83
Live Fast, Castle Long deepaks1 2022 dauthdaert 1933 jughandle10 1871 AvocadoPost 1708 poopheaderic 1590 callzumen 1461 1792.80
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg  
  HoxHound 2114 kvltvr_wvltvr 1982 ventricule 1821 algeochamp07 1758 RickLRMS 1653 kokohead 1145  
  neat-blitz 2062 LittleAnnieAdderall 1990 derdodo12345 1777 guanm 1749 Garnaal 1596 FlopDong 1409  
  lovlas 2473 cacheyourdreams 1956 toni4127 1909 jankovidakovic 1658 MilsBees 1613 Shaeila89 1406  
  allmighty 2034 cerulean 1912 vadsamoht 1915 Flupkees 1732 Oathbringer 1684 ScrubThatDish 1505  
  UnlimitedAttack 2112 Grzybozbur 2009 chill5555 1919 mdaw 1732 Ciolacu 1536 JuanSnow 1488  
  SergeiAttackov 2045 chennis 1942 IzoRyu 1898 Oyabun 1730 lpd2 1643 Kalandra 1310  
  Capi48 2118 GnarlyGoat 1949 robinhood76 1834 Detaon 1749 DanielShaulov 1626 Paxmayne 1401  
  swagquark 2174 Liamvo 1977 superposition 1946 jasonsinger 1679 Doevert 1633 ArnyPalmyAlert 1489  
  mightydogg 2038 Giulio451 1933 earlymorningchess 1787 Luci_Bunny 1700 Board_13 1555 D3A 1228  
  rosagris 2009 LtJHavoc 1986 Society 1732 Injektilo 1712 NerdRaging 1357  
  axp156 2024 yago666 2018 Spyd0rk 1841 Mk91 1717 acia63 1446  
  d3doubleexclam 2177 Grunfeld-Defense 1874 GminaBorki 1460  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card