
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
Kappablanca FirstnameLastname 2216 Jegern1 2014 mathijshuis 2025 scarff 1967 seb32 1878 glbert 1843 UpGoerFive 1618 Kani501 1481 1932.38
The Talminators OldOx 2397 Artian12 2108 calkaiserwilks 1912 qrs 1871 Khasi1596 1846 jbeast2882 1765 Toffeeman 1693 Cremedelacoys 1312 1933.17
Will Smith-Morra AleMore11 2102 rselwyn 2076 gaben1773 2024 dkol 1873 nacional100 1849 cid772 1762 Cookos 1667 Kry1001 1562 1869.67
0-0-0: No time to castle Marsh_Knight 2306 sensensen 2126 STCLion 1958 Safaero 1871 Notsamire 1806 Kolskegg 1707 walfie 1599 lepertoe 1573 1821.29
Mating Ritual LeEcU1 2197 starbaker 2034 Rank555 2033 LemuelGullible 1880 AquilesMM 1902 nodortsam 1806 arjanschoonen 1722 TastyOs 1537 1941.63
Incoherent Development zoranabc 2235 IzoRyu 2054 Schackmacke 1959 RoyceBraccket 1915 freefal 1800 WightUnderscore 1728 nahdrav 1691 Sincraxis 1498 1862.57
Tonight Is The Knight toddletales 2182 Der_Bo 2018 postit 2002 jaak3l 1886 Herzog51 1839 SouzaMoraes 1791 kdayz 1747 Sbstyn 1630 1961.25
DrDrunkenstein, or How I Learned to Love the Bongcloud okoros 2279 Sesquipedalism 2023 sexbucket 1910 Self_aware_Lettuce 1894 ferodeto 1848 Lugr 1794 Sonnichsen 1672 electricfalcon 1311 1910.50
Silent Knights athul777 2143 TheKova 2072 hhh1001 1995 Ecclesiastic 2003 jsmithvestal 1890 lyqst 1812 kschmigel 1678 ApprenChess 1630 1936.38
My Uncle Works For Chess He'll Ban You skyfaller1 2249 marcelluspye 2051 N_Mar 2026 chingoo123 2022 Macalda 1852 ndc5057 1721 throwawaycompiler 1614 mahithas 1287 1784.67
London System Lovers jfarah 2094 Mixalaki2705 2053 SunGoddess 2013 flgoyens 1897 Lalaze 1850 Johnnyeccles01 1755 DaytoKnightMoves 1650 Rehbein 1605 1891.38
All Knight Thinking scurly 2210 HoudinicisMedicis 2057 Merkava777 1939 osskjc 1862 ThePawnSlayer 1834 TSMHansen1 1705 ZheniaSemyanko 1654 brilliantBlunder 1611 1877.38
Albin and the Chipmunks yago666 2166 no_seigen 2067 j3084 2007 Wo_Cheng_Si_Le 1874 flipiflapi 1837 oddsox 1785 kamizik 1773 pinbsg21 1648 1941.25
May the Fork Be With You jonjons 2157 f1nn33 2067 gborges0727 2049 lion88 1939 DrOMM 1819 LukaCro 1764 fwcj68 1739 felang 1733 1939.50
Embrace the Game Svendra 2141 MoiRon 2069 thoughtless2 1997 david-innes 1899 Connerator 1857 pepepibote 1774 darubaru 1764 CJ_Zimmermann 1419 1839.00
Bruno Benoni Chaozu 2383 mcastellani18 2112 val1313 1908 Veith2310 1891 lakinwecker 1813 mirkojotic 1749 Ivandrago23 1609 z0x 1339 1899.75
Even Gary himself could not defeat us (Gary from Spongebob) Pawndercover 2223 ashishacharya 2005 Pras108 1892 cmrobbe 1897 PaddyDaddy 1876 Lupo_Jones 1792 ekopp2000 1732 jsettle1 1427 1894.00
Rookin' Good Silver124 2132 MrKamikazeBoy 2079 xipqag 1965 ascoliloko 1984 Mackjalek97 1800 Unavitadistenti 1708 Tim17 1697 JumpJazz 1526 1882.13
We Might Be Short We Might Be Tal But We Are Hardkorchnoi hairbeRt 2133 Theknugdorf 2087 electricbutter 2073 patalanoc 1797 Musicrafter12 1821 RebelMe 1759 RottenPawn 1742 ShaunFerry 1527 1883.71
The Beach-Bound Bishops mronemore 2155 rezoons 2072 NLance 1960 jswanberg 1800 kponds 1868 tmac12390 1723 pburns1587 1669 gigantaure 1585 1908.50
Riki-Tiki-Tavi axp156 2173 Iamzex 1989 BenMTL 1909 Tactix47 1908 rsmillie94 1871 Sahithyas 1748 terriblebackin 1650 Boomer34 1562 1848.25
Our Position is So Bad Only a Vaccine Can Save It ChristopherChabris 2296 nsmiller7 2008 iKew 1999 y3LL3r 1938 Drotciv 1805 mmatros 1772 Mr_peters 1740 julianlalor 1640 1938.13
Weird Human Lines Razorneck 2216 cnrtr 2109 Landmoose 2033 collinb9 1870 PurrfectMates 1818 waynebeam 1776 Pe-lle 1713 kampsun 1442 1912.43
Bongcloud, James Bongcloud. arbisto 2130 bufferunderrun 2059 adande1 1887 coolestblue 1896 JuyopVGC 1870 slamjam 1822 ImproveToIM 1703 zher0 1547 1911.75
Elitist Superior Minds pierremarc1986 2136 Pendru 2092 kn960 2008 dmavro 1916 dmsa_or 1860 samhagen 1833 RossTheNinja 1573 jcarmody 1536 1911.88
Eat that Horse! HNorbi96 2144 AACtrl 2077 luvgangster 1920 Fr4nco61 1846 Shadow008 1846 BongcloudLegend 1724 thegegors 1646 Reodor 1389 1869.00
The Berlin Rook Lift eie24 2149 SchachAttacker 2113 phantom567459 1997 Forhavu 1914 pedropablo72 1901 izzie26 1823 Kraaft 1689 cinqued 1424 1891.63
SCP MA1AH 2170 Silkthewanderer 2102 chriswmac33 2023 GOKUBA 1895 synapz 1894 gregorgg 1682 BarbarAusBielefeld 1661 mojomoe 1560 1956.17
Pawndæmonium drchessdad 2096 M0r1 1973 Paulze2000 1989 Marcos_Paulo 1932 MrDumbDumb 1825 chesshavoc 1857 Lou-E 1804 GERDie 1543 1932.88
Caro Kann My Wayward Son nukeychess 2190 toni4127 2040 SoChessGoes 1918 kilichimonger 1900 Emkatt 1827 pulsar512b 1845 closure3 1761 Janetheus 1554 1952.00
Rolling Pawns jessehf 2186 Ninjaste82 2029 paolone 1975 rampichino 1957 seius 1787 leo2dipikke 1773 dillontoups 1614 LucaGaglia73 1556 1926.88
Famous Forking Legends IsaVulpes 2289 k-night-moves 2099 VicPez 1974 Chewbacca_Defense 1929 Sarahwynn 1884 gavalanche20 1798 mqll 1645 LeChuckForPresident 1322 1981.00
8 Angry Pawns jmatthew 2173 NoTTwitchy 2043 Queen_Blunder 1992 Showboater 1876 K0stasP 1892 ItsNotLike_I_LikeYou 1801 oddskill 1660 bluper 1586 1911.00
ANCL Toonerer 2198 Grizzzly1000 2093 Chesspatzerswan 1956 NightJumpsKing 1923 Ecelal 1895 joyboy 1851 Valoree 1721 freddy267t 1642 1880.63
Alekhine eat shrimp for $12.99 FlokiTheCat 2181 pioki 2040 Isachess 1965 nermin_dedovic 1955 izcms02 1841 ENESM 1836 wingman3030 1723 rsava 1482 1894.88
Boring Draws Only WildGooseChess 2110 PracticalNiceGuy 1978 rodeo 1986 Tranzoo 1879 MrScribbles 1830 colwem 1819 Nairwolf 1652 Rskyoz 1607 1873.86
AlphaHeroes lumenian 2117 isuckatchess247 2073 Brundd 1984 Cannonbait 1904 snorcal 1874 H0tblackDesiat0 1765 erv123 1679 brunolift 1629 1946.88
Big Bad Blundering Buffoons Nviper06 2117 Eidol 2082 nonowho 1982 nerja25390 1944 rahulukumar 1898 netherfiel 1847 Tolsonb 1800 Zopherus 1505 1947.50
So Many Good Options roso97 2148 mkac 2068 Weiter 1968 pic1991 1927 sgis 1872 lc91 1868 alex-arsenault 1730 rinrinrin 1580 1907.25
Negative Talent In Life Narf64 2181 Tommelskinke 2037 Xkv 1934 jwwells42 1920 thatoneguy1475 1893 sidetracked_owl 1863 mynameismund 1703 uga40 1557 1953.88
Reti or Not Here We Come Again thrillchester 2369 BigEvo8 2162 yoyold 1967 Elessar62442 1962 EltahirAmin 1873 ssyx 1734 Monolith4861 1703 KnightOfReyn 1542 1913.17
Unstoppable Mates aln276 2156 timothyha 2140 Th3RomanticWarrior 2077 mekumcu 1934 mixxanber 1899 BinxBollong 1809 I8I9 1679 caodanny 1435 1919.00
Pawn Stars Scrooge 2323 Wahlkatalane 2159 CecilPurdy 1908 bichopebitou 1896 Jamougha 1803 mcspeeruk 1816 Slamchops 1696 staskac 1572 1900.29
Don’t Hate, Just Mate ReyFeroz 2111 shetoo 2101 Mahmut69 1991 joshdenton1 1949 Board_13 1781 adrienb96 1703 jockboi 1708 librocubiculartist 1647 1862.00
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  mimano 2160 Orestes-2 1963 MRSep 1988 Superfighter 1885 ZuiZuiZ 1931 DrOdnat 1760 iahhel09 1661 kjbetz 1177  
  wookash_888 2369 EndlessNexus 2043 PurpleRabbit 1989 offscott 1992 swandog 1754 Margin69 1735 conalboyle 1817 asn8745 1445  
  jaybir 2169 nondrama 2089 Yoitsyeboicat 1985 puzzlesandpuzzles 2042 Haussian 1850 pab-l0 1778 Rybkathink 1693 mixxedguy 1664  
  kenzaburo 2259 Razorsharponly 2057 Itzal 1974 garfield1980 1908 Yakshwag 1869 pdesaiii 1778 MilsBees 1680 grimreepeer1 1461  
  LandyPJY 2212 slackwyrm 2107 sahkal 2120 jmpaslespseudos 1903 Gnam 1766 lpd2 1751 onodidntseethat 1649 dimitrishatov 1473  
  SycoraxCirce 2115 assblastingarconson 2096 nigelico 1941 saravsel 1880 thylmanoid 1889 Fritzmann 1720 T_Taylor 1708 quli 1522  
  FischyVishy 2211 lundiz 2099 dexz 2001 Tonuka 1919 rabbitofooto 1836 Kramopolis 1803 akhmadzaki 1663 Rohan-K 1422  
  god666 2313 HalfRight 2039 Razzld 2039 AugustW 1932 Tsatsa64 1842 Rylor3000 1704 ruip 1666 Shuure 1450  
  Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2341 Alegre_River 2024 heyitsMiro 2135 RaisinBranCrunch 1875 smerlijn 2039 LittleNap 1767 hakri 1664 BaklenGmbH 1551  
  rosagris 2126 sassy_spice29 2068 twhite90 2019 cvillian 1922 esersens 1814 dcamp 1757 coryhuffer 1644 SedNomini 1620  
  kungfupanda20008 2323 PrivateDiarist 2120 Vegemite_Fighter 2023 The_Wayward_Prince 1952 amanlikekennyken 1871 evenmanjebus 1747 Meeklydim 1653 pawnsac101 1533  
  ginoux 2150 SundanceXLC 2059 kanakaishou 2014 DramaticSong 1900 Rhinelaender 1818 SeniorPatzer 1705 JMHWSM 1640 fuchurchess 1470  
  jamestgr 2078 eyloncaplan 2004 VicenteO 1949 T1460 1809 nit246 1798 SupraScud 1608  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card