
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
Brilliancies at Low Depth Kjar 2170 drchessdad 2085 KS_Legion_Legionowo 2037 Saturnitus 1865 ztraynor 1868 Rolihlahla 1792 caodanny 1609 keeto 1599 1910.50
Alts and Preppers Silkthewanderer 2291 sussasun 2039 Haspelknecht 1989 KirkD 1902 STCLion 1765 Gingersquirrelnuts 1712 jcarmody 1655 mojomoe 1604 1836.38
Pawns Are Really Good Leverkuhn 2339 leartt 2139 chutoyy 2109 FunnyLikeAClown 2035 Igoka60 1867 AScannerDarkly 1848 Proht 1648 PaPa_Beav 1175 1914.88
That rook really tied the board together bigboss12345 2137 AleksanderBerge 2122 far1108 2101 runken_brunflo 1911 polaris404 1847 JustChillJoe 1770 eldotore 1685 Lexgrad 1498 1904.75
A Bunch of April Fools Alvaro64 2204 LeoYee 2105 Davidc2214 1922 karim_tarek346 1889 alex-arsenault 1870 soelver 1778 alexkoj 1635 nic_west 1624 1887.13
Show Me the Wei Yi g4lois 2102 Fierolocchio 2070 Zeebo_the_clown 1952 patk74 1961 sgis 1887 lpfo 1742 z0x 1645 r4do5 1497 1832.50
Seven Blunders of The World delusion47 2191 michielvdg 2050 ChessForWellbeing 1972 andrewrimmer 1853 winegum1994 1868 Yoa 1796 jpokerflat 1672 LuisdelaFuente 1481 1887.50
Midknight Oil Thomsi 2214 ComputerUser2607 2087 M0r1 1978 mo_mo 1932 vrkp323 1867 freddy267t 1786 cowtone 1690 Damnlie 1588 1882.38
Piece Donations Accepted Here Mediocratic 2307 gaben1773 2037 Knoddel 2023 Matt365 1896 LyallpurChess 1792 MerrickS 1764 otreble 1730 pinkmantis 1374 1899.75
Pawn Strike TheChessPhoenix 2187 morallygray 2190 muba_o 2029 seviichess 1863 Heathcliffs 1795 GOKUBA 1801 primate38 1624 TimeForRevenge 1619 1864.00
second to last blunderers arthi15 2227 axp156 2115 jpgmich 1988 imikacic 1925 Conan_9 1903 CatClawsTheHead 1778 niconic 1612 rjhoro 1573 1919.25
(K)nights on the Rim klavier88 2076 PrasannaKumar2084 2050 Inter-temporal 1970 Oachkatzerlschwoaf 1919 goirish 1843 jose684 1767 AtomikMorphy 1605 LibbyR 1469 1869.00
Non sine periculo Sonecon 2365 Friedwing 2098 nate88889999 1944 InwWinZa 1916 CALVlN 1884 DrOMM 1789 Lg_19 1698 vicsynn 1453 1894.88
the Pawn Shop jessehf 2297 markmarkedymarkmark 2024 Valis2501 1955 CarlosMagnussen 1911 SuspendedSeventh 1834 VikingoPlus 1751 Bortvinik 1679 King_Raven 1643 1907.25
Overplayed and Underpromoted SycoraxCirce 2166 AACtrl 2006 adande1 1949 WolfAttack 1910 AumarMustafa 1788 em-as-in-emily 1742 UltraSlarken 1621 Marcind75 1497 1875.38
The Horsey Moves Funny LittlePawnFriends 2296 irongalaxy 2146 isaypotato 1952 DrVonGoosewing 1905 awfulmove 1784 Pedrete_21 1736 aselimgul 1660 ShishyaBaby 1441 1889.25
Bizarro World Candidates sidfanDX 2178 bhajipov 2025 shamdi 1998 tomshko 1909 seius 1790 Rperez46 1798 TristanBrown17 1681 bakemann 1608 1892.25
Your pawns sleep with the fish najnajs29 2149 Zugged57 2105 dave3 1982 StefRenkens 1917 greysensei 1895 Lyrurus 1745 momor 1719 chess131969 1545 1925.63
Pawns N’ Roses mronemore 2182 Superfighter 2113 Secret_Fish 1993 alex11star 1903 wachini 1887 istikhan 1868 mqll 1679 fulmarsky 1540 1910.38
Nobody Likes my Suggestion NLance 2184 CapeStGeorge 2086 Ciraid 2072 vahid_abazari1 1888 JokicInator15 1777 Joonaf 1751 Hesperian 1725 Nairwolf 1652 1920.38
Blackjack LuzhinAcademy 2122 bufferunderrun 2058 gercondon 2051 TreyHardee 1910 IckyDemon 1812 sigvei 1817 jackbwfc 1685 lonelyghost06 1573 1916.88
Not Quite My Tempo Chesstrix01 2179 smothermemate 2018 dexz 2040 paulinesernine 1985 Forhavu 1888 anmrose 1745 BigPig93 1722 Sidewinder1648 1613 1911.63
2001: A Centipawn Odyssey Jelle1 2239 Astronominoff 2180 val1313 1962 chodec12 1853 peterwoowooka 1798 Nestor3690 1717 prostidude 1662 GenTurgidson 1597 1929.50
The Muppets, no pun somethingpretentious 2155 jwwells42 2074 Abnetronia 2051 feskslo 1919 glbert 1844 mat_ena 1795 oddish1234 1751 UpGoerFive 1567 1903.63
AntiMorphys trainingacc313 2227 Arges42 2122 GravellyPoint 1998 ButterPecan 1930 Kramopolis 1924 ekopp2000 1755 falstan 1612 Queen_of_Hearts75 1534 1901.50
Pawn Chain Gang Groger12 2169 kb6567 2072 deathmetalled 2036 topspin15 1907 Syxxx 1835 goose_chess 1777 ribrubrib 1648 jomaj 1601 1889.63
Fear is the Pawn Killer urjah 2118 Grizzzly1000 2095 BMAstatine 2017 muehre 1906 masedog91 1893 jviktorov 1822 PumPkiiN 1660 Crazywane254 1517 1924.25
Ali Reza and the 45+45 Thieves ChallengingChess 2251 AlexGaul 2102 iamhector 2045 moneydragon 1983 Tolsonb 1875 mightytaco14 1810 kauberdi 1545 ceejcox 1581 1897.38
What's Luft Got To Do With It Regulator1089 2124 Redcard4 2115 Quantex_seven 1988 HeartCooksBrain 1934 cinemashow 1777 regrettablebeet 1753 thinline69 1640 speeder1987 1668 1866.38
Draw Me Like One of Your French Defenses lundiz 2180 GoneNowhere 2134 nermin_dedovic 1992 pandaacolori 1910 ScotchWhisky 1842 petri999 1800 IroncladUnicorn 1743 soliddddd 1514 1906.25
What is an idea? chatakkuma 2172 Brundd 2169 HippoShaman 1981 Rskyoz 1845 aerDNA69 1857 EnglishSpaniel 1754 ruip 1735 mongreltiger 1492 1850.63
Candid8s MGEAV5 2321 Mennonite 2049 marty001 1996 TheVacuousRom 1984 SrinivasBharathNK 1795 bobsouzabr 1772 CaioDias 1698 Leo179 1531 1882.63
Anand's Twin Guns ItsASecret2000 2192 timemp 2039 lmart 2049 aeroplanino1986 2002 koki95 1841 Soreby 1777 chessfefe 1715 vanessamaria 1533 1917.38
Octet of Indecision Qudit 2287 gavalanche20 2059 rapiplay 1977 mynameismund 1881 dkol 1851 mkubecek 1779 Asturc0n 1748 electricfalcon 1473 1905.63
Recurring-knightmare jco7 2227 Wadim_Sergeevich 2067 p_s_q 1991 mn1171 1941 SerenityPigeon 1827 casual921 1739 Jaydog41 1651 Fabysgambit 1530 1886.13
Senior dogs that can't get onto the couch (or sofa if you're British) anymore due to their bad knees yeyq 2180 Feet_Barbie 2137 MilsBees 2064 flipiflapi 1934 fwcj68 1817 gary0892 1774 lone_rangerheavy 1712 RBorja1980 1566 1906.00
Adult Decliners - Inclined 2 Win chk12 2159 timothyha 2073 scarff 2003 Affa_Bile 2049 robertjackson 1903 Moccy 1794 ssyx 1702 T_Taylor 1617 1910.25
.... --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . Silas1070 2072 lc69 1989 stefan15sds 1953 BergmannO 1933 Will_0f_D 1889 xkm 1732 kygreek 1613 epidis 1594 1845.38
Reti or Not obliteration 2189 Garjeta 2131 Turmersatz 1997 charliehorse55 2014 johnsb50 1877 kaytmatov 1747 kostasvl 1616 iceonmars 1404 1898.63
Them thicc pawns alp_arslan92 2394 jantho 2141 Zubenelgenubi 1939 Pope123 1909 tone_fresh 1823 ipr 1762 oxnateri 1708 osumarko 1293 1897.38
No Idea What We're Doing NeetleFarseer 2205 Cruz0Tal 2051 MEGALODON777hs 1943 Rookiegeek 1927 adrienb96 1794 TryAnything 1805 ArtOfThePawnStorm 1697 NicLvn 1492 1886.25
Order of the White Rook calm_fury 2165 GHOSTJW 2139 GlennJamesMax 2014 Oscarhrose 1882 kulakovma 1805 nvasquez 1751 Steve-North 1741 seandcosta 1677 1940.13
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  Underkkover 2167 BrandrokID 2045 thib1 1994 simontijhuis 1954 brayan7cat 1887 DosDebug 1801 SlowChess73 1693 kibenur 1526  
  MaksBroda 2234 GroneN 2022 lauratiffiany 1985 sideshow_bob 1954 CheckMateDTB 1865 TrueblueLi 1824 Waxy 1721 wernervolkmann 1492  
  Grom_K6L 2241 tobinator250 2031 LeelaButWorse 1995 YAKO960 1945 Ekors55 1827 Jeb_al_Gloke 1816 Shurbz 1653 Apidae 1592  
  RSInternecio 2258 Kuijp 2017 Lou-E 1995 natakial2 1947 scotty770 1880 nicedragon 1788 Tranzoo 1714 d0wnh0me 1594  
  a-nobody_i 2165 K_Krishnanunni 2028 myle 2009 CamRunReeves 1911 Paulze2000 1907 mfeeney88 1817 supernoob619 1660 herderjs 1567  
  Fishmoro 2263 ColtThompson 2033 pemula64 1991 ascoliloko 1901 guingil 1876 johanmk 1791 Shebia 1706 HOLTCAP 1527  
  Allotrio 2181 The_Wayward_Prince 2061 Ivory12 1975 FiveKnights 1951 aloo_bhaloo 1892 aspettando 1808 opelvivaro 1564 JonConesJones 1280  
  bcirillo10 2143 PushEmBb 2021 Deeppooo 1984 Ferchosalgado 1954 snowDeath 1851 aivo2 1765 black5000 1660 Bicker 1588  
  ATG_Eclipse 2173 Mixalaki2705 2030 klosterkloster 1939 Matthias1904 1932 Drawking 1829 Digdigi 1788 fvafier 1716 DrRickinCT 1525  
  back2basics 2165 mootivator 2115 shetoo 2073 Chiedozie 1934 Emadbakry1980 1869 JuyopVGC 1791 meiji17 1621 niceguymonty 1372  
  Akshak 2270 j3084 2022 lyqst 2024 thebattlecrw 1964 Potnes 1889 Jebotto 1774 apfeiffer 1627 hl70 1488  
  Razorneck 2385 Racheschach 2120 wizzywop 1947 kosu 1918 Lupo_Jones 1868 JohnJPershing 1754 masoscot44 1589 antbeckman 1372  
  powerchess12345 2267 granbel 2001 BenMTL 1939 Bigwigrocks 1958 rcole 1868 JuliusAlexander0406 1795 ohmderohm 1640 roland_123 1465  
  Unbreakable-1 2238 XJ22 1973 omertil 1943 thestormingeagle 1903 rampichino 1821 spor3 1635 bjfletcher 1568  
  OjaiJoao 2452 mforg 1971 plastic_pusher 1920 DuncanClotfelter 1880 RobWroteABook 1788 blasjuan 1758  
  matthewhuber 1938 TinsyNub 1823  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card