
Pawnmowers Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale
Svendra (2143) 01 Silkthewanderer (2239)
invinci7777 (2013) 01 Pauli314 (2095)
theBunglet (1988) ½½ wizzywop (1965)
charliehorse55 (1902) 01 Haspelknecht (1889)
imikacic (1919) 10 seius (1852)
austin745 (1822) 10 pddchess (1727)
Constant1n (1658) 10 mqll (1703)
RodGammon (1576) 01 DeynaD (1551)
Last Pawn to London Ein Peasant
Dhmayer (2183) 10 milanrad (2138)
rojazu (2037) 10 pulsar512b (1999)
jkleebone (2013) 10 pulsar512b (1999)
M0r1 (1964) 10 Chesspatzerswan (1886)
VlShm (1841) ½½ PharmacistGambit (1867)
Midnightokar (1793) 10 robertjackson (1856)
bushie123 (1714) 10 ipr (1685)
rafaelnajera (1495) 01 mumblecoredumbledore (1638)
Sleeping Warriors why would you ask this
Zyfaro (2235) 10 osrswoodcutting (2127)
Poldi_der_Drache (1989) 01 VicPez (2085)
Poldi_der_Drache (1978) ½½ prentice_sloth (2044)
NightJumpsKing (1943) 01 jk_182 (2002)
thepaul1 (1816) 10 chimeramyth2204 (1883)
jomaj (1699) 10 Steve-North (1757)
lagar83 (1649) 01 logitekk (1651)
ribrubrib (1530) 10 Webmaster429 (1573)
Prep in the streets, Rapport in the sheets 4 4 Ponziani Scheme
chessyesmen (2159) 0F1X CamLeslie (2224)
ani85 (2146) 10 Bitter_Cherry (2098)
Smerlijn (2000) 10 deathmetalled (1986)
flipiflapi (1919) 01 mo_mo (1979)
SouzaMoraes (1833) 10 fvafier (1843)
loungelizard (1805) 01 alex-arsenault (1712)
thehippieking (1688) 01 twobits (1626)
herderjs (1548) 10 dnlhlt (1441)
À la recherche du pions perdu 9/10 Grandmasters recommend prophylaxis
FirstnameLastname (2161) ½½ mronemore (2126)
Latinovicz (2135) 10 Minot (2018)
AsdrubalBarca (1976) 10 val1313 (1973)
Squire_Western (1927) 01 allyrbsrblngtus (1969)
ChewbakaTheRookie (1882) 10 rsandzimier (1851)
TowerOfSolitude (1726) 01 giziti (1735)
thiccclouds (1633) 01 akrupa23 (1582)
osumarko (1120) 01 T_Taylor (1571)
Special thanks to our sponsor*™ Eight Pawns in a Trenchcoat
ElChivo (2282) ½½ Der_Bo (2271)
zagoldy (2048) 10 AlexGaul (2126)
CanIUndoThatMove (1999) 10 Meeklydim (1983)
dkol (1867) 10 VikingoPlus (1846)
Matt365 (1801) 01 bobsouzabr (1839)
ssyx (1751) 10 jpokerflat (1738)
PsyMar2 (1604) 10 LionelHuttzz (1725)
BJH19 (1416) 01 jsettle1 (1396)
Nepo say Never 8 0 Where is Naka looking?
grenbork (2031) 10 ap_s0205120 (2172)
grenbork (2050) 10 irongalaxy (2016)
mgold (2006) 10 dave3 (2009)
glbert (1939) 10 ripkip (1883)
Lou-E (1888) 1X0F rampichino (1816)
jippiedoe (1745) 10 LordPericulum (1728)
kibenur (1714) 10 lepertoe (1618)
chess131969 (1590) 10 mmorrisohio (1499)
Don't Touch my Benoni! 1 7 Rapporting for Duty
eie24 (2324) 01 Lelouch_Vi_Brittania (2333)
myle (2007) 01 mysonnevercallme (2097)
sgis (1896) 10 FiveBucks (1973)
Sh1ba_in_the_park (1855) 01 sean_vr (1890)
thejace (1767) 0F1X ztraynor (1859)
texasadam (1702) 01 Rolihlahla (1798)
Goudmijn (1566) 01 ruip (1646)
greener255 (1454) 01 prostidude (1573)
The Fearless FIDEstan Fighters Who Keres?
BuckDuck (2227) 10 root2 (2108)
gaben1773 (2096) ½½ leobkho1 (2031)
fhunfi (2042) 10 T0Sharaff8200 (1969)
plastic_pusher (1900) ½½ gmat20020 (1995)
BrandrokID (1871) 01 Soreby (1841)
topspin15 (1798) ½½ freddy267t (1755)
keeto (1597) 01 ayilio (1632)
Ezze_13 (1360) 01 Jay0108 (1666)
The birds and the 1.b3es Dubov's Balenciaga Jumper
IsaVulpes (2319) 10 losttheplot (2087)
wilfj (2137) 10 ColdTehran (2031)
The_Wayward_Prince (1969) ½½ Jamougha (1966)
FunnyLikeAClown (1954) 10 ButterPecan (1947)
MrScribbles (1803) 01 LucaGaglia73 (1816)
NickR98 (1780) 10 didnothingwrong (1752)
danydog13 (1545) 01 ehGolden (1719)
Apidae (1470) 1X0F Skift2 (1495)
The Mating Habits of the Common Patzer - by Dr. Chessdad Kxabreak
drchessdad (2111) 01 Qudit (2154)
Groger12 (2076) 01 Chewbacca_Defense (2112)
Timvier (2005) ½½ gavalanche20 (2048)
Tedrhuyagonall (1920) 01 seb32 (1921)
PawnshopRookie (1828) 01 mynameismund (1845)
iljazbru (1823) 10 Asturc0n (1746)
Heathcliffs (1628) 10 Gingersquirrelnuts (1719)
Shurbz (1616) 10 ccaffey (1202)
Good Old-Fashioned Nepotism Every pawn is a little princess
rufusson_dufus (2219) 10 OneKindKing (2172)
fookh (2039) 10 Fierolocchio (2033)
Patzfisch (1995) 01 far1108 (1966)
AACtrl (1932) 01 flyhalf2k14 (1916)
Rskyoz (1795) 10 samhagen (1828)
a2c4 (1725) 01 KirkD (1688)
Gilbertlee2 (1669) ½½ samuelglats (1681)
dama_x_rey (1465) 01 jurica_c (1604)
George Orwell's 9.Qad4!! 7 1 Rapporting for Duda
Artian12 (2202) 0F1X Razorneck (2313)
Hagia_Sophia (2139) 10 Roofies (2133)
Geigenzaehler (1958) 10 Paulze2000 (1953)
Wealth_And_Taste (1936) 10 davidthepawn (1886)
BMAstatine (1825) 10 dmavro (1812)
looncall (1743) 10 bcande01 (1809)
jsiado (1630) 10 mojomoe (1702)
Hahaho123 (1435) 10 rest_upon_my_chess (1019)
Dr. Siggy Tarrasch and the Spiders from Maroczy My System Failure
jantho (2084) 01 RSInternecio (2141)
y3LL3r (2044) ½½ Isachess (2086)
Zubenelgenubi (2043) 01 NLance (1998)
Sespep447 (1859) 10 esersens (1837)
King_killer27 (1840) 10 Jjames1 (1820)
mmgoo (1839) 01 chetmanley (1746)
gatzios (1720) 10 ruhib (1645)
Crazywane254 (1470) 10 AtlantaKing (1388)
Nepopottamus Better call Tal
artel89 (2117) 10 accool52 (2174)
Sesquipedalism (2063) 01 ATrueRavenclaw (1972)
Dtdeep (2057) ½½ elliotp (1910)
JustChillJoe (1892) 01 Merkava777 (1873)
ascoliloko (1804) 01 Clarinetref (1856)
ineptitudeinaction (1757) 10 SrinivasBharathNK (1771)
greysensei (1745) 10 SlowChess73 (1661)
electricfalcon (1430) 01 Aka4053602 (1494)
The Rapport of my Death was an Exaggeration Duda Right Thing
robche (2268) 10 KS_Legion_Legionowo (2105)
TheVacuousRom (2056) ½½ morallygray (2082)
ficheal21 (2008) 10 Jg777 (2026)
aerDNA69 (1897) ½½ Potnes (1872)
STCLion (1889) 01 wdhorton (1714)
Astronominoff (1742) 0F1X davegiltinan (1699)
jeremyjh (1712) ½½ vejen (1673)
SabreRef (1552) 0F1X PocketKnight39 (1451)
Thirsty Ones Apawncalypse
sigitaskeras (2107) ½½ jessehf (2223)
timothyha (2004) 10 HippoShaman (2008)
LouisBuckland (1938) ½½ nit246 (1978)
jarm123 (1930) ½½ paolone (1882)
Pope123 (1834) ½½ pedropablo72 (1805)
masedog91 (1758) 10 hamhamslam (1698)
mannausvs (1663) ½½ easy-money-sniper (1654)
caodanny (1458) 01 cinqued (1465)
Team that needs no introduction! The Fellowship of the Ding
alp_arslan92 (2293) 10 antazhi8 (2147)
bufferunderrun (2107) 10 degornjo (2027)
adande1 (1967) ½½ WolfAttack (1974)
amanlikekennyken (1836) 01 AndyBarkers (1819)
Tranzoo (1782) 10 fake_switch (1831)
ekopp2000 (1770) 1X0F victorwu (1733)
charlie1000r (1660) 01 sabuha (1667)
zher0 (1499) 01 MattHasFun (1613)
Karpov and his ghosts Caruanavirus
gabrahmad (2200) 10 LIYV (2081)
mini_karpov (2080) 01 Toonerer (2067)
Davidc2214 (1928) 10 RhenerBrito (2000)
conrado13 (1887) 01 rebootl (1929)
Lutin23 (1703) 01 DrVonGoosewing (1795)
abohamdi (1713) 0F1X RunningInVienna (1711)
joehan (1632) ½Z½Z Birdsell (1643)
Lexgrad (1456) 01 UpGoerFive (1551)