
Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 25: 8 games for Win with Grace, Lose with Us
Lichess LoneWolf

Season 25

Rd 1 halifax2345678 - moleSG (1685) 1-0
Rd 2 marian_roman (1766) - halifax2345678 1-0
Rd 3 halifax2345678 - sparkler7 (1748) 1-0
Rd 4 Swgfskdf (1755) - halifax2345678 ½-½
Rd 5 halifax2345678 - poopheaderic (1705) 0F-1X
Rd 6 thepaul1 (1766) - halifax2345678 0-1
Rd 7 sgis (1860) - halifax2345678 1-0
Rd 8 halifax2345678 - shuvashish76 (1737) ½-½
Score: 4/8 Perf rating: 1810

Career Statistics

Career Score: 15.5/23 Perf rating: 1857

Lichess4545 League Trophy Case