Snow White and the Seven Najdorfs
Team Roster
Board 1:Bd 1 | Assassin_in_White (2374) |
Board 2:Bd 2 | ahmt92 (1998) |
Board 3:Bd 3 | Dkillian (1875) |
Board 4:Bd 4 | Showboater (1760) |
Board 5:Bd 5 | Tinkerphyte (1773) |
Board 6:Bd 6 | poopheaderic (1655) |
Board 7:Bd 7 | oddsox (1665) |
Board 8:Bd 8 | yvettenicole (1153) |
Average Rating: 1800.17
Previous Members/Alternates
AleksisKaarlo (1856) | 2 games |
auroach (1628) | 1 game |
jfarah (2019) | 1 game |
jfiquett (1998) | 1 game |
jivey (1874) | 1 game |
krxou (1961) | 1 game |
maxivgc (1730) | 1 game |
Season 16